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Design And Implementation Of Management System In Commercial Banks

Posted on:2014-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401466910Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After entrying into WTO, the competition among commercial banks has becomemore intense, and the customer relationship management of commercial banks has alsobrought new challenges. The customer management system analyzes information ofcustomers. The commercial banks will gain more profit if they classify customersaccording to specific criteria. The customer relationship management of commercialbanks has become an important research topic nowdays.Customer quality stability and competition are the basises of the bank ’s survivaland development, CRM is an important means of stable and competitive high-qualitycustomers for the banks which is of great strategic significance and practicalsignificance. The article designs and develops this system with the adoption of thefollowing theories and tools: the first is the theory of customer relationship managementwhich is a professional basic theory of commercial bank customer relationshipmanagement system and also a new application of bank information system; then themain use of Delphi in software development, the design idea of Microsoft Windowsgraphical user interface, through comprehensive comparison, customer relationshipmanagement system will be designed by useing B/S structure and SQL2005. Then thethesis anlyzes the background of the system’s functional demands with which comes thecomprihensive design and specific process of bank customers management systemwhich can be divided into system account management module, system managementmodule, customer information management module, customer management module,customer information query module, system help six function module in function. Fromthe test results we can see: the management system can realize the management ofcustomer relationship, the security of the system can be well controlled.Finally, through the system design and research, draw some conclusions, and thefurther research direction is discussed in the next. Bank customer managementinformation system needs to implement, mining target customers to meet customerneeds and improve the accuracy of the financial and customer loyalty customermanagement. Continue to study the B/S model of information security design, also need to continuously improve the ability of data analysis in order to improve the bankcustomer information management efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial Bank, customer relationship management, B/S
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