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Towards Parallax-Based Unencumbered Displays

Posted on:2016-10-09Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada)Candidate:Shanks, Ryan AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390017976969Subject:Computer Science
We present an analysis of content adaptive parallax barriers used for multi-layer unencumbered displays. We explain the techniques involved in detail from the input light field to the output masks and how to display them. The content adaptive parallax barrier masks are produced by decomposing a matrix, which is created by applying a set of constraints to the input light field, using non-negative matrix factorization. We compare a number of matrix factorization methods, including a novel technique developed in this work. We provide a detailed exploration of design parameters for the multi-layer display to produce proper autostereoscopic results. A number of datasets are used to produce simulated results for a comparison of factorization techniques and other elements of the process in creating an unencumbered display using content adaptive parallax barriers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Content adaptive parallax, Unencumbered, Display
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