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Research On The Transformation Of News Production From The Perspective Of Micro-news

Posted on:2018-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330518490747Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Generally speaking,this paper investigate the innovation of traditional news production triggered by micro-news production.Following the idea of news “production chain”,the research concentrates on the change and innovation of news production and regards micro-news production as a system structure so as to explore the inherent mechanism of the production process and explain how to do the internal elements work.The research reveals that communication technology and civic forces have a pioneering work for micro-news production,while citizen forces involved in news practicing is the main cause of the "butterfly effect" and still leave potential power drives.Intended to reveal the reality of journalism transformation,news production practice,citizen news and professional news,journalists? ingratiation and their hardness,this research provide some realistic basis and reference for the strategies of future news production.On the theoretical path,this paper refers to the ideas of Michael Schudson,Gaye Tuchman,Herbert J.Gans and introduces the concept “crafts” of industrial production in the theoretical framework.Therefore,the concept craft has been run through the full text in all links of news production.In order to break the linear mindset in micro-news production,the logical level of this paper includes "micro-news" and "micro-production" so as to find more innovative and reasonable interpretations.The main body of this paper can be divided into five parts,which mainly covers "producer","production process","production relationship","product content" and "production inspiration".Chapter one relates that micro-news have led to changes in the main body of news production.With the advancement of new communication technology,new media has catch up with traditional media in all aspects.Citizens have shown their advantages in reports and got access to news production.In the meantime,channel hegemony of traditional media has been broken up,journalists no longer "franchise" news production,their professional identity began to transform.Chapter two discusses open,interactive and flattened changes in the micro-news production process from the point of view of process reengineering.Through the process of recycling,the media system structure is expected to be optimized rather than limiting to individual aspects.Chapter three analyzes the relational reconstruction of micro-news production.“Disembeding” is situational changes of news production,it contains the complex relationship between the subject and the object in time and space conversion.“Interaction” means friendly communication among traditional media,masses and self-media platforms.“Duality” refers to varieties of "strategic breakthrough" elements implied in news production and it occurs to relation reproduction in the brake and move process.The production relationship is actually a potential driver of micro-news production,and it is better to maintain the order of micro-news production if we make that clear.Chapter four discusses the change of micro news production on content level.The first part is about the innovation of the micro news product,and the second part is to put the micro news in the whole media system to discuss the specific role it plays.Chapter five discusses the revelation brought by micro-news production changes.Based on the changes triggered by micro-news production,this chapter focuses on the constructive thinking of orderly production from three aspects: citizen media literacy,journalists' all-round quality and "dialogue news" mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:micro news, news production, transformation, process reengineering
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