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Extended Classroom:A Comparative Study On The Museum Eductation In Britain And China

Posted on:2018-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The institutional education is limited by the field of school all the time when we talk about it.As a matter of fact,the "Museum",a place for the fruits of human civilization,should also be an important classroom,as an effective educational carrier.Even though the late start of the museum education in China,it developed rapidly.However,compared with the developed countries that incorporate the museum education into their national education system,there is still a long way to go.Britain,which is the first country that has a museum in the world,is also one of the countries that have done a mature job in the museum education.Some tourists from all over the world go to England especially for the museum.There are some subjects that we are lack of attention and research: 1,the realization of the educational function of the British museum.2,the development of the museum education in China and the gap between that with the education of the British museum.3,the characteristics and advantages of the museum education in our country.4,the correct way of connecting the museum education with the school education.In this study,the British museum education is chosen as the object of comparison with Chinese museum education.The study starts from a large number of bibliographical information,and focuses on the scene of the Chinese and British museum education through on-the-spot observation and visiting to try to discover the characteristics and differences of Chinese and British museum education.Thus,we hope to learn from their strengths to cover the shortage of Chinese ME(Museum Education),to provide reference and experience for the deepening of curriculum reform in China.This thesis consists of five chapters.The first chapter describes the origin,the summary,the significance,the design and the content of the study.The second chapter defines the basic concepts such as "classroom","museum","museum education" and so on.The third chapter introduces the present situation of museum education in China and Britain.In the fourth chapter,the author makes a comparison between Chinese and English museum education from the following three aspects: educational concept,educational practice and educational management.The author focuses on educational practice,comparing the practice of Chinese and British Museum Education from three stages : before visiting,during visiting and after the visiting.The fifth chapter summarizes the comparison of museum and museum education in Britain and China,and puts forward the problems and corresponding strategies to improve the museum education,and points out the shortcomings and prospects of the study.The study shows that China's philosophy of museum education is relatively backward,and has low degree of recognition among the audience.Besides,professional skills of the practitioners vary in different levels,and there is great room to promote cooperation between museum and school,and the entire research system remains to be perfected.But the museum resources are rich in our country,which should to be better used.Last but not least,the paper puts forward the improvement strategy on the basis of interview for current situation: firstly,the concept of museum education in China needs to be updated.At the same time,the educational means of museum should keep pace with the times,and actively carry out activities about museum education,so that the effect of the museum education can be improved.School education should cooperate with museum tightly and carry on the curriculum to make integration,considering museum as an extension of curriculum resources and classrooms.We should enrich the connotation of the school curriculum and expand the classroom space in order to connect school with a broader world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum, The Museum Education, Classroom, A Comparative Study
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