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Hazardous Chemicals Monitored In Multi-antenna Wireless Sensor Network Node Design And Multi-antenna Collaborative Discussion

Posted on:2017-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330503485220Subject:Electronic and communication engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Countries are promoting "Belts And Roads" construction, its an important part of the construction is to build integrated logistics networks or transportation networks, including terrestrial, inland and ocean shipping. The effective monitoring of logistics equipment(Such as logistics carrier equipment, logistics and transport) is an important logistics and transportation network construction. Tianjin and other major security incidents similar explosions, terrorist attacks in Paris, France and other international counter-terrorism and other events along the way to significant security risks. Tianjin and other major security incidents similar explosions, terrorist attacks in Paris, France and other international counter-terrorism and other events bring the security risks of the One Belt And One Road. Hazardous chemicals in transit transport safety has been the focus of monitoring objects logistics. At present, China-vehicle sensing system already have the vehicle status monitoring, but there are still the widespread presence of unstable operation system equipment, the replacement of a series of problems and difficulties Laying difficulties. Therefore, the study for hazardous chemicals in-transit monitoring system of wireless sensor node devices has a great significance which can make sure the security of logistics transportation.This project addresses the communication problems of logistics in a closed environment, and build a multi-antenna ZigBee wireless sensor network node, which implement the wireless communication of hazardous chemicals inside and outside the car. At the same time,the information will be transmitted via GPRS to logistics monitoring platform of hazardous chemicals, and then implement the hazardous chemicals Management of monitor in-transit security. The main work of this paper is as follows:First, through the analysis of the problems existing of vehicle systems, develop the overall program vehicle wireless sensing system node design.Secondly, according to the needs of hazardous chemicals inside the vehicle such as monitor temperature, pressure, level and others, as well as a closed environment for signal transmission problems, design ZigBee wireless sensor network node multi-antenna reception, comprehensive vehicle sensor node receiving the information, and detailed design and development of its node hardware module.Then, to develop the appropriate communication protocol software design will be collected by the various types of sensor data package which is sent to the car radio control equipment, which use signal permeability-increasing strategies to ensure the safety and accuracy of wireless data transmission.Finally, through integration with hazardous chemicals logistics platform, to achieve in the Web client and mobile client full control monitoring test transit logistics vehicle.ZigBee node multi-antenna design of the present paper can perceive information wireless sensor network node better reception closed environment, but there needs to be further explored in a multi-antenna synergy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hazardous chemicals, ZigBee, Car System, Wireless communication, data collecting
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