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The Design And Implementation Of Dangerous Chemicals Registration System For Shouguang City

Posted on:2013-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374481383Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of China’s chemical production technology and continuous improvement of production capacity, China’s output of chemicals in this regard to meet China’s demand for all kinds of chemicals, protection of China’s socialist industrial construction pace carried out smoothly, but on the other hand, the number of hazardous chemicals greatly increased, a serious impact on people’s lives and property, and accidents caused due to hazardous chemicals is rising every year, so successfully carried out in order to protect the management of hazardous chemicals relevant state administrative departments have developed a large number of hazardous chemicals management program, system, to guide the various regions of the hazardous chemicals management.In this thesis, Shouguang City, for example, describes the hazardous chemicals registration system needs analysis, system design and implementation process, a brief description of the process of the management of hazardous chemicals. Site visits for the management of hazardous chemicals in Shouguang City, the various departments involved in the registration and management of hazardous chemicals, the enterprise needs to obtain access to the data type and data format of the registration of chemicals, then the registration of dangerous chemicals, chemicals approval, and corporate management of all aspects of the needs analysis. Functional design aspects of the system, the first design principles and requirements of the hazardous chemicals registration system, and then describe the system’s overall architecture, technical architecture and functional structure of the system design architecture, registration and management of hazardous chemicals, chemicals production and approval of management, chemical production and business management of the design work of several functional modules are described, database design and management of chemicals involved are described. Finally, the needs analysis and functional design of the management of hazardous chemicals in Shouguang City, the completion of the function of the system and testing.Shouguang hazardous chemicals management capabilities, the system eventually can be achieved on the city’s hazardous chemicals registration, query, approval, and also can be done to manage the enterprise for the production of dangerous chemicals, including application for approval of production records, and approval of the release of the results.Operation of the system basically meet the needs of the Shouguang management of hazardous chemicals sector, the statistical records of the hazardous chemicals, dangerous chemicals in the city records, to form a detailed analysis reports of dangerous chemicals, Shouguang City management departments of various hazardous chemicals to develop a work plan to provide important reference information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hazardous Chemicals Management, Chemicals Registration, Chemical Approval, Enterprise Management
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