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The Design And Implementation Of Customer Relationship Management System Of Bank Of Shanghai

Posted on:2016-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q XuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482474752Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As China’s economy continues to develop, and the integration of the global economy has become increasingly close, and this has also led to the development of the status quo more incentive competition between the domestic financial industry.Many financial companies will also be "customer-centric" business to implement the concept of work among the various domestic commercial banks as the main competition will target customers in their daily operations and management is the core of customer service as the main object. So, how banks better manage customer information, how to build information systems and associated systems, it became the focus of a lot of banks to consider the issue.In this paper, the bank’s customer management Shanghai as the research object, to demand the status quo Shanghai Bank is currently in the customer management and the problems encountered as a starting point, the analysis in the management of the customer involved in the process to relevant information, and many times with bank employees to communicate, as the basis for analysis of the Shanghai bank customer relationship management system requirements and system, according to the development of software engineering processes and ideas on the whole system analysis and preliminary design, final design better systems implementation and testing. This article is based on.NET platform for developers using C language and SQL SERVER 2005, and other related technologies to B / S three-tier development model, based on established user-friendly access to the system can be classified personnel roles customer relationship management system and to ensure their safety.This system is convenient and simple for the user to establish a management environment and conditions for customer convenience, in order to improve the level and efficiency of banks in customer relationship management. The system has clear interface, full functionality, ease of operation, help banks to improve competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:customer relationship management, IMS, SQL, B/S structure
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