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Design And Realization Of The Dangerous Chemicals Transport Management System

Posted on:2019-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ShanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542469421Subject:Electronic Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid economic development in our country,the demand for hazardous chemicals in various fields is constantly increasing,and the transport of hazardous chemicals among different regions is also becoming more frequent.However,there are still the following problems in the management of hazardous chemicals:At first,transportation Management is imperfect.Seconfly,administrators are unable to monitor the vehicle’s real-time conditions.In order to solve the above problems,the paper design a complete set of hazardous chemicals transport management software which achieves the management of hazardous chemicals transportion and the monitor of vehicle.To be first,the paper introduces the overall design of the system.The system is mainly composed of three parts,web,app and server.In order to explain the implement of the system the paper introduces the framework used in the project such as Bootstrap,Hibernate,MySQL.Secondly,the paper study on web-side design and implementation.The paper implement functions including identity authentication,web-side message push and optimization technology on web-page.In the web-side development process,the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions are compared,and then choose the appropriate technical framework for the development.Thirdly,the paper studies on the design and implementation of app-side.The app-side is developed based on HTML5 technology and adopts the mui front-end framework to realize the business functions of hazardous chemicals transportation management in line with the web-side.The paper describes implememtion of the app-side data localization storage and the implementation of message push under the Android operating system.In addition,the Virtual DOM algorithm is used for Improve performance on app-side.Then,the paper study on the server-side design and the implemention,the server-side uses MVC framework for devolop,which has realized the business logic and the data model decoupling.Aiming at improving the performance of server-side in large data volume,a database sub-table technology has been used.The paper also study on id generation strategy for database sub-table technology.To be next,the paper study on data visualization technology on the web-side and app-side.The paper analyzes the demand of data visualization and designs corresponding data visualization schemes according to the requirements.Lastly,the paper summarizes the whole text,lists the result of the research and its innovation,and indicates what the system can improve and expand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hazardous chemicals transport management, Identity authority verification, Push technology, Virtual DOM, database
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