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Redefining Journalism: Convergence in the Public Sphere

Posted on:2012-07-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Blanchett Neheli, NicoleFull Text:PDF
In this paper I explore how participatory journalism is changing organizational structure and production practices at the publicly funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto (CBC). Using practical action research I examine two sites of study that offer unique strategies on incorporating everyday citizens into the news production process: the use of citizen bloggers to supplement CBC's coverage of the G20 summit in Toronto shows how diversifying storytelling improves the overall quality of news content; the mandate of Connect with Mark Kelly to democratize daily news by using ordinary people as sources and breaking traditional rules of production reveals a survival strategy for daily news shows. Through the lens of media logic, using the theories of convergence culture and the public sphere, I develop strategies to involve more citizens in the newsmaking process, thus invigorating public discourse and subverting news production that is designed to entertain instead of inform.;Key Words: participatory journalism, media logic, public sphere, convergence culture...
Keywords/Search Tags:Public, Journalism, Convergence, Production, News
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