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The Design And Implementation Of A Mobile Attendance System

Posted on:2014-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425968731Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, many colleges and universities are mostly using the traditional manualway to check on work attendance. This way has its problems such as the error-prone,high cost, opaque and it can not solve the problem abount absent.With the coming of"the Internet Age",the scientific and advanced solutions will be cried for--"The MobileAttendance System", it indicates that problems such as the real-time, accuracy, regionacross and management problems will be implemented.The content of this thesis is based on the investigation and analysis on collegeattendance, using GPS technology and android mobile development framework, withthe Sqlite mobile database and Oracle relational database, to design and implementationof "The Mobile Attendance System" contains staff logining module, staff informationmanagement module, staff mobile attendance module, attendance record managementmodule and system management. From the point of the perspective of softwareengineering, the paper introduces the system requirements analysis, system design,system implementation and system testing. Among them, in the part of the systemrequirements analysis, it mainly clears and defines the system construction goal about"optimization of attendance method, enhance of staff communication". According tobusiness needs, the system function points are divided. At the same time, combining thesystem non-functional requirements and design constraints, the system software andhardware, performance, safety and interfaces are defined. After that, the key point forthe LBS positioning and difficulties, the system design proposes the overall and detaileddesign plan of mobile attendance based on GPS, including the four design part of thethe system architecture, system function interface, system database and system interface.And then, by the use of Eclipse development tools, the system implementationaccomplishes an Android apk and attendance webservice. In the help of the systemimplementation flow chart, it also introduces the interface and key code of the system.Finally, according to the system testing method, the system function testing andperformance testing are completed.This system has already used in Fujian Vocational College of Bioengineering.Through this system, attendance administrator can set one or more points andcorresponding attendance strategy to facilitate users to complete attendance action in different locations. At the same time, this system supports a key statistics for theattendance report of all users in real-time statistics and reporting. Ordinary users cancomplete attendance through the mobile phone and GPS platform, also query personalattendance record in any time and any place. In addition to the core of the attendancefunctions, the system also adds a staff address list with dynamically maintaining.Itgreatly enhance the communication links between the staffs with convenience andtimeliness.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile attendance, Android, LBS
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