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Book Marketing Strategy In The We-Media

Posted on:2014-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The advancement of technology narrowed the gap between professional media and audience, more and more information is not from the reports of the mass media. Can be said that since the media has gradually become an information platform for everyone in their daily to obtain and release information. In economic terms, from the media platform is equivalent to a publishing and access to products or services platform, for special commodity-books, of course, also need to rely on from the media to disseminate related information.In this study, the departure from the status of research since the We-media, first analyzes the common characteristics from the media, these features are personalized, interactive, simple, inexpensive and user viscosity, then I will investigate and analysis the characteristics of the respective mainstream media, including Internet forums, blogs, micro blogging and We chat, analysis of the we media have their own kind of characteristics, the characteristics and advantages of the process of dissemination of information. The article then enter the main part, after an understanding of the nature in the use of comparative and case analysis on the basis of their respective media, and analysis the classical communication theory5W and classic marketing theory4P and4C. With the5W theory I will propose strategy for communicators, the mode of transmission, content of dissemination, consumer and the feedback. I will try to combine with4P and4C marketing theory put forward pricing strategy and the strategy about the product, consumer, promotion and communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:We-media, Books, Marketing strategy
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