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How To Culter The Junior Middle School Students’ Classical Chinese Learning Interest Under The Background Of The New Curriculum Standeard

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401467489Subject:Subject teaching
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Learning classical Chinese has been a "persistent" problem of the students, many students’ classicalChinese learning interest is not high. Even in the face of classical Chinese with fear. They are afraid to readthe classical Chinese, afraid of learning classical Chinese. And interest as the best teacher, is very importantfor students to learn classical Chinese. In2011, the ministry of education issued "compulsory educationChinese curriculum standard (2011edition)", paied more attention to maintain the students’ curiosity andthirst for knowledge. Junior high school students is in a period of rapid development of body and mind, thistime they are restless, it is difficult to concentrate in one place. Improving the junior middle school studentslearning interest of classical Chinese, can boost the enthusiasm of the junior middle school students to learnclassical Chinese, then greatly improve the learning efficiency. Therefore, the author embarks from thecurriculum standard, putting how to cultivate the middle school students’ classical Chinese learning interestas the research topic, aiming to explore the practical and effective method to enhance the efficiency ofclassical Chinese learning.This article embarks from the new curriculum standard, combined with my own teaching practice,theory with practice, supported by teaching cases, explore the way to inspire junior high school students’classical Chinese learning interest. I take my internships school, the No.3middle school of ZhengzhouGuancheng Hui District as the object of investigation, study the current situation of middle school students’classical Chinese learning. I adopt questionnaire survey to the student, adopt interview survey to the teacher.Then I analyze the survey results from teachers, students, evaluation system, analyze the reasons of why themiddle school students’ classical Chinese learning interest is so weak. If the teacher wants to improve thestudents’ interest in learning, first he must master certain knowledge of education psychology theory-theory knowledge about interest: interest, interest motivation and the meaning of the middle schoolstudents’ classical Chinese learning interest. This paper mainly discusses the strategies that can used tostimulate the middle school students’ classical Chinese learning interest. Four aspects are discussed in thispaper: first of all is to make students clear the meaning of classical Chinese learning, which is thesignificance to inspire. Secondly, teachers should improve the classroom teaching art, which is the classroom inspired. It is the key. Once again, improve the evaluation system, namely evaluation ofstimulating. Finally, the teacher needs to improve personal accomplishment,"Pleasure to teach "," Canteach " and "Good teaching".This article lists many teaching cases. In addition to some famous teaching cases, there are manycases which I tried on in my internship. It is the summary of my experience. It can be said to be a kind ofsummary and comb of my own teaching of the middle school students’ classical Chinese. It is of certainreference meaning and reference value to the present stage of the classical Chinese teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new curriculum standard, present situation and reflection, classical Chinese, learning interest, stimulating strategy
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