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Research On China Network Television (CNTV) Business Strategy

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C LiuFull Text:PDF
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The rapid development of Internet media, has threatened the survival of massmedia. So mass media in urgent to explore the online business,from the early TVwebsite to network TV, reveals the traditional TV online business having continue tomature. In December2009, the CCTV to opened network television, high-profileannouncement to enter the online video industry, carrying the exploration of traditionalTV network transformation,showing its build international influence of the media.China network TVfrom the Founding to the present has experienced two years, itsdevelopment status is the general reflection on traditional TV running the onlinebusiness, the transformation of universal guiding significance on traditional TVnetwork, has universal guiding significance of transformation of the traditional TVnetworks. In this article, the Chinese network television as a case, analyze itsoperations and troubles, and put forward the corresponding strategy.This article isdivided into four parts. The first part is a literature review, definition and overview ofthe web TV,the web TV is divided into three types: computer display, television display,mobile phone display, computer display developed most fast among these types with arepresentative. The second part is the background and characteristics of China networkTV:China network TV is in the macroeconomic stimulus, and the policy guidance ofthe cultural and creative industries, Reading Pictures multiple effects of consumerculture, with genuine traditional TV video resources and networkinstant interactivity.The third part is industry competitive analysis o the online video industry and theoperating status of China network TV; pointed out that it in the content structure isirrational, chaotic choreography; fuzzy profit model structure; lack of brand influence;ignore user personality and awareness of the "master"and so on. The main reasons arethe shackles of the system, the backwardness of operating ideas. The fourth part is onthe basis of summing up before, combined with SWOT pointed out that China’sInternet TV should be changing the operating system, and rich content to build theindustrial chain, to provide personalized services begin to realize leap development. The network is becoming increasingly popular, watch videos, has become the mostof the contemporary part of life,and the policy to restrict advertising in-depthimplementation, the network TV even broader prospects for development. TraditionalTV increase investment in web TV, using their own resources advantage, to make upfor lack of business to compete in the video industry, preparing for the arrival of tripleplay and the transformation of all media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web TV, Business strategy, Strategic positioning, "TV&Networkinteraction"
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