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A Research On Scientific & Educational TV Based On Informal Learning

Posted on:2011-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360308970715Subject:Radio and television arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21st century is the era of knowledge-based economy when scientific literacy has become an important part of national quality. The level of a citizen's scientific literacy does not only have a direct impact on this country's raising of the level of science and technology, but also on the long-term development of this country. TV, as the most widely spread of the media, has an important role in the dissemination of science and culture and improving the national science and culture. Many countries are attaching great importance to developing scientific and educational TV. On our part, the public is still lagging behind the level of scientific literacy, so scientific and educational television should play its advantages to practice "technology and education" strategy. In recent years, China's science and TV industry has made considerable progress. Meanwhile, science and technology creation and broadcast of television programs have made considerable development. Besides, there are a number of breakthroughs in the dissemination of ideas and theory. However, Objectively speaking, many problems still exist in the TV industry of China's science and education, which also requires further study.The writer thinks we should be explored from the concept of innovation. Through systems analysis of science and education and informal learning theory, this paper is to find similarities between science and education TV and informal learning, and then come to the feasibility of an informal study of science and education television, and propose the concept of science, education television based on informal learning. Through case analysis, this paper does a detailed analysis of some typical scientific and educational television programs at home and abroad. And through a further comparative analysis, some problems of China's scientific and educational programs are obtained:neglect the cultivation of the spirit of science; lack of innovation of choosing topics; not rich in the amount of information and lack of rigor; Section features blurred and homogeneous phenomenon is severe; The content and form are too serious and lack of interest; lack of knowledgeable and mature host; significant differences exist between CCTV science and education channel and the local science and education channel and so on. Based on informal learning in science television evaluation principles are:educational, scientific, interesting, emotional, interactive. According to these principles, by applying the theoretical basis for informal learning, this paper does some research on the four aspects of the topics of scientific and educational television, content production, broadcasting and publicity. This paper gets several propositions:by topics of people-oriented programs, program diversity constructivist design, high-quality programming staff, and making full use of resources for scientists to achieve scientific and educational TV programs of educational, scientific nature; under the guidance of contextual learning theory, use virtual technology, combining with location and studio programming, etc., to achieve program situational nature; use story-oriented, competitive and other forms of entertainment programs increase the fun; use digital TV technology to better achieve the science and education, interactive television programs; rationize scheduling of programs to play the role of new media to achieve a better dissemination of scientific and educational television programs; through the Notice program, develop derivative products and spread science television programs, to achieve a good cycle of scientific and educational television programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific and Educational TV, Informal Learning, people-oriented, People-oriented, Contextual Learning Theory
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