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Status Quo And Development Of Museum In Hulunbeier Region

Posted on:2010-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272998705Subject:Archaeology and Museology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies the status quo and development of museums in Hulunbeier region and presents a general picture of them mainly from the aspects of research review, status quo and development and with museum introductions as original historical accounts. The history and status quo of museums in Hulunbeier region makes this study historically valuable and contemporarily suggestive .This paper is composed of three parts.Part I: This part defines the scope of study,gives a general review to the geographical location, history and population and discusses the changes of village-level museums. At the beginning of this paper, the location of "Hulunbeier" is clearly defined, and the status quo and development of museums in cities, counties and towns administered by Hulunbeier Civic Administration is taken as the core of the study. The review indicates the significance of this study ,that is, to promote the study of the status quo of China's museums.Part II: This part reviews the relationship between the status quo and development of museums in other regions and that in Hulunbeier region on the basis of historical data. Museums in Hulunbeier region are mostly situated in Hulunbeier City(Hailar) and Manzhouli City, the majority of which are comprehensive museums.With local people's improvement in material and cultural level, visiting museums is a recreation. More and more people are aware that visiting museums is to quench their thirst for knowledge, not only to understand the status quo of the city, but also the history of the city. In this way, people naturally take museums as the postcard of the city.With this postcard, people can learn the entire history of Hulunbeier and the process of Hulunbeier's development. This postcard displays the outstanding features of a nation, ignites its passion, promotes national unity and pushes social and economic prosperity.It is true that some problems are also found in the survey. With the continuous development of China's culture vision, an increasing number of museums are integrated into the world, both in ways and in guiding principles. Therefore, it is necessary for museums in Hulunbeier region to improve their awareness, and continuously update their own ways and methods, in order to optimize the management,exhibition and education of museums. Part III: This part provides the measures to solve the problems. It is mentioned in the paper there is a large number of historical sites and artifacts in Hulunbeier, which lays a solid foundation for museums in Hulunbeier and provides numerous exquisite exhibits for the construction of China's museums. However, how to make a good use of these exhibits is of primary importance. Relatively speaking, Hulunbeier's culturual units were set up late, their management falls behind, and they lack professionals and volunteers. Under such circumstances, the museum staff make great efforts to save the cultural relics on the ground and under ground, attentively acquires related knowledge to better protect and collect artifacts. Hulunbeier is a city with a long history,and with the continuous improvement of the economy, Hulunbeier has presented its rising vitality. It is not only seen in urban landscape, but also reflected in the taste of local people.And this brings about a challenge to the city,that is, in face of the new conditions of survival in the market economy, how to make a unique path. And this question needs to be answered in urgency. The museums in Hulunbeier try their best to take advantages, seek position and show style, which is the goal of their development. The museums take as the guiding principles of work serving the people, keeping socialist direction and ensuring social benefits to promote social development,national prosperity and cultural quality of the people. The museums undertake patriotic education to the masses by spreading historical, scientific and cultural knowledge. In the new century,the museums have a strong sense of innovation and quality and make themselves lively classes of material civilization and spiritual civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hulunbeier, museums, status quo, development
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