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City Newspaper Reported Aids Research Framework

Posted on:2009-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiangFull Text:PDF
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Since this study analyzed the 1995-2007 period the Nanguo daily reported AIDS since the founding of the "framework". The Guangxi's largest, the most influential city newspaper reports on AIDS, reflecting the city newspaper with the Government's attitude to AIDS, the policy change process fit of the show in the city category of AIDS reported in the media The development process. 13 All articles published in a total of 382 accepted the contents of computer-assisted analysis of the sub-term procedures calculated weight (TF-IDF principle) study, found every article of the keywords. Key words used inspected every article of the "framework." The results showed that the city newspaper to give AIDS to more and more attention. China in 2001 and 2003 on AIDS policy a significant increase in the Nanguo daily in 2002 and 2004 the number of reported AIDS also quickly jumped over a year, two significant changes have just as relevant. Southland Morning Post reported AIDS in the majority of people do not have clear instructions, among the most closely with AIDS are women and children. The results showed that framework, the Nanguo daily reported on the domestic framework of AIDS showed up on a few, on the contrary, the international framework of the present trend of decline in the number. Medical and social has been a city newspaper reported the main framework for AIDS, the city newspaper on AIDS political framework and economic framework little attention. Nanguo daily on itself, building on the framework of AIDS and other diseases associated with low, from one aspect of this commercial reflects the treatment of AIDS reported in the newspaper's attitude is relatively objective and neutral, showing that the Good professional conduct.
Keywords/Search Tags:city paper, AIDS, Reporting framework, Nanguo daily
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