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Study Of The Chinese Ancient Bibliographic Description

Posted on:2015-04-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1368330491459122Subject:Library science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Referring to the modern document cataloguing theory,this article focuses its studies on the form,methodology and style of Chinese ancient bibliographic description,and discusses and reveals the historical process of generation,development and revolution of Chinese ancient bibliographic description career through the excavation,induction and analysis of cataloguing information in the basic items of bibliography.The detailed contents include:Based on compiling and editing the scattering documents,the cataloguing form,method and style of the classic bibliography that had been lost before Song Dynasty(such as "Bie Lu"(Special Catalogues),"Qi Lue"(Seven Summaries),"Jinzhong Jing Bu","Qi Zhi"(Seven Catalogues),"Qi Lu"(Seven Catalogues),"QunShu Si Bu Lu"(Classification of Books into Four Parts)and "Gu Jin Shu Lu"(Catalogues of Ancient and Modern Books)was speculated,analyzed and summarized.The cataloguing status of the current catalogues after Song Dynasty was combined to summarize the general features of Chinese ancient bibliography description career and to analyze its impact on the contemporary catalogue literature.During the studies of Han Dynasty bibliography,the revision situation of the title "Qi Lue"(Seven Summaries)by the Chronicles of Han Dynasty was verified in details.The method and principle of Mr.Liu Xiang and Liu Xin to select the document title and name by themselves while compiling bibliography was intensively studied.The similarities and differences of "Qi Lue"(Seven Summaries)and "Bie Lu"(Special Catalogues)abstracts were analyzed.New opinions were raised about the Chronicles of Han Dynasty.It' s thought that it is the description of document outward form that "Pian"(chapter)numbers and "Juan"(volume)numbers catalogued in the Book of Arts of the Chronicles of Han Dynasty.It cannot be mixed them up during cataloguing."Juan" is normal while " pian" is a special case.If each "pian" is on a "juan" load,the book can be catalogued in "pian" terms.If the book which is not divided into "pian"s or one"pian" is on several "juan"s load or one "juan" load several "pian"s,the book should be catalogued in "juan" terms.But the "Jia"(School of Thought)in the Chronicles of Han Dynasty is not calculated on "one line" or "one book",but is divided between father master and son apprentice.Even if the father master and son apprentice that have direct mentoring relationship(including the master and disciple's disciple with close activity times)have their respective onymous works,without the detailed records of "Regulations changed,and other inventions are found",in principle they should be combined as a "Jia".During the studies of bibliography after Wei and Jin Dynasties,the title and annex constitution of the "Jin Shu Qi Zhi"(Seven Catalogues of Modern Books)was verified.The source of bibliography of the Chronicles of Sui Dynasty was speculated and analyzed,especially the source of the Bibliography "Liiang You".New opinions were raised about the generation and development of Chinese ancient "bibliography" and "description".It's thought that both the description formats"Title in front" and "Name in front" are derived from the Chronicles of Han Dynasty and formed in Southern and Northern Dynasties,as well as "Name in front" pre-existed.The development and the pros and cons for both the descriptions after Tang Dynasty are also presented.This article deems that the transcription abstract emerging in Wei,Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties might last an extended period after Sui and Tang Dynasties,which quitted the mainstream status of abstract styles in Song and Yuan Dynasties.Other flows lasted till Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Keywords/Search Tags:bibliographic description, document cataloguing, style of bibliographic description, title in front, name in front
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