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Research On The New Mode Of Cultural Content Production Under Mobile Internet Technology

Posted on:2021-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306527973069Subject:Art theory
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With the continuous development of mobile Internet technology,Internet cultural content based on online literature,online games,online short videos,and online live broadcasts has shown explosive growth,and new cultural content production models have emerged and are widely used.In the Web2.0 era,the rise of decentralized,socialized,and personalized self-media characterized by user sharing has eliminated the distance between producers and audiences in traditional media.The general public can publish and share various information and cultural content through online self-media platforms.In this context,new modes of cultural content production——UGC(User Produced Content Mode)and PGC(Professional Production Content Mode)came into being.Based on theoretical and applied research,this paper takes the traditional cultural content production mode as a reference and combines with the development of mobile Internet technology.Under the joint action of application service,we media rise and artificial intelligence,the cultural content presents different forms compared with the past.At the same time,it mainly summarizes two new cultural content production models: user production content and professional production content In this paper.The article analyzes the specific content of the two in terms of production subject,production process,and monetization methods in detail: In the user production content model,the production subject is a personalized ordinary user,who generally creates freely for the purpose of sharing,platform subsidies,and likes.Rewards and advertising are the main monetization methods.In the professional production content model,in addition to field experts and opinion leaders,the main body of production also includes traditional media people and organizations that have been transformed and upgraded.With the support of investors and MCN institutions,they can choose topics By the time the release is more professional,the high-quality cultural content produced is commercialized in the form of user payment,IP authorization,and e-commerce alliance.However,while the new model is energizing the main body and enriching the development of its industry,there are also some problems: the quality of cultural content producers is uneven;the cultural content ecology has kitsch,infringement and other non-compliant chaos;cultural content platform "gatekeeper" Absence,weak external supervision,etc.In response to the above problems,several optimization suggestions are put forward: increase the entry threshold of creation and cultivate high-quality content producers;guide the verticalization of text content to ensure high-quality continuous output;combine internal pre-review and external school reform to purify the platform environment.The systematic combing and summary of the new mode of production of mobile Internet cultural content not only clarified the reasons for the rapid development of my country's cultural industry transformation and upgrading,but also enriched theoretical research on the cultural industry,and has practical guiding significance for the development of the Internet cultural industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Internet, cultural Industry, user production content, professional production content
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