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2000-2018 Domestic Book Bibliographic Bibliometrics In The Field Of Library And Information Science

Posted on:2021-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306197957629Subject:Library science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper obtains the 2000-2018 bibliographic data of domestic books of Library and Information science from the website of the National Library joint catalogue center,and analyzes the bibliographic data from the internal characteristics(subject words,title,abstract)and external characteristics(information of the responsible person,press).The research methods used in this study include descriptive statistics,comparative analysis,clustering,etc.The internal characteristic analysis is to analyze the subject characteristics of the book content in the field of Library and Information Science through the subject words,book titles and abstracts.In this study,the reseacher extracts the title key words and abstract key words from the title and abstract by using the word segmentation.In this study,the subject words,title keywords and abstract keywords are analyzed by high frequency words,clustering analysis and staged analysis.From 2000 to 2018,there are four main categories of book content themes published in the field of Library and Information Science in China: information retrieval,modern and modern library historical data,ancient books related,library theory and business activities related.Information retrieval is the most published topics in the field of Library and Information Science,which is because information retrieval course is a required course in Colleges and universities,and there is a large demand for relevant teaching materials.Information retrieval books are even the main books published by some publishing houses in the field of Library and Information Science.Among the books related to library theory and business activities,there are two most prominent sub themes: digital library,university library management and service.In this study,responsibility,author's nationality and author's name are extracted from the information of responsible person.There are 110 ways of responsibility in bibliographic data in the field of Library and Information Science.Most books are produced by means of "editor in chief","editor" and so on;the proportion of books produced by the author's original way is relatively small.Group authors publish far more books than individual authors.The two main group authors are the National Library and the Chinese Library Society.Based on the analysis of the author's nationality,this study finds that there are 18 sources of books imported from the United States,the largest number of books imported from the United States,far more than other countries.According to the number of books published by the publishing house,this study finds that the National Library publishing house is the core publishing house in the field of Library and Information Science.The number of books published is far more than other publishing houses,and the subject content range is the most comprehensive.In the future,the publishing of books of Library and Information Science in our country should reduce the content and subject repetition,encourage more authors to create books,and introduce books from more countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Library and Information Science, Bibliographic Data, Subject words, Authors, Pulisher
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