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Convergence in journalism: Implications for the higher education of journalism students

Posted on:2011-08-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Flores, FranciscoFull Text:PDF
Modern technologies have given mass communication media the ability to adopt new forms of publication never explored before. At the present time newspapers have the opportunity to include audio and video on their web publications. Broadcast stations now have the opportunity to include text on their web publications. This approach to new types of unexplored formats is what we call media convergence. Media convergence relies on the fact that the members of a given and particular media will have the capacity to work with different formats.;At the present time newspapers are exploring new opportunities in publishing content in different formats. If you go to any newspaper webpage, you will find not only the traditional photos and text, but also video, audio, and animation. The same people that worked at newspapers are creating all this information. But how these different tasks will be distributed through the newspaper staff? This is a critical question. This study looks at the effects that media convergence is having on the newspapers and its implications for the way that journalism should be taught at universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Convergence, Media, Journalism, New
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