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A Study On Local Education Of The Hunan Museum

Posted on:2020-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330623452010Subject:Cultural relics and museums to learn
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After more than one hundred years of development,China's museum industry has made considerable progress in the number,type and layout of museums.There are about 180 new museums added every year,and 5,136 museums registered by all levels of government in China.In the last three years,the number of visitors to museums has increased by about 100 million annually.By the end of 2018,the number of visitors to museums has reached 10.08 billion.In the new era and new situation,it is necessary to study the significance and implementation of local education by using local resources of museums in response to the requirements of new curriculum standards and socialist core values training,as well as to better help school quality education and maximize the educational functions and resources utilization of museums.This paper investigates the current situation of local education in Hunan Museum,combs the development history of local education in Hunan Museum,explores how to make better use of local resources in local resources development,educational activities design and Museum-School cooperation,and tries to give corresponding conclusions and suggestions.Generally speaking,the local resources owned by Chin a's museums are quite rich,but the development and utilization rate of rural resources is relatively low,and the road to local education is still in its infancy.The inadequacies of local education in museums in China are as follows: firstly,the relevant l aws and policies are not perfect enough,and the requirements,implementation and objectives of local education using museum resources are not clear.Secondly,there are no special venues or institutions for local education in museums in China,which are m ostly carried out by educational centers responsible for educational activities.Thirdly,the implementation of local education is not systematic enough and local funds are not enough.Source utilization rate is low.At present,the Hunan Museum mainly displays Huxiang culture,mainly "Mawangdui Han Tomb Exhibition in Changsha" and "Hunan People-Sanxiang History and Culture Exhibition".Besides,there are no special personnel and departments in the implementation of local education,nor specific planning.What's more,even though local education is sometimes involved in the process of carrying out extracurricular education activities and foreign cooperation,it is not deep and systematic enough.Presently,there are three main shortcomings of local education in the Hunan Museum as follows.Firstly,there is no special department setting and research plan,and the development level of local history resources is not high.Secondly,there is no special theme of local education in the Hunan Museum and the form is not diversified enough.Finally,Museum-School cooperation is not deep and extensive enough,and there is no systematic norm.Therefore,the recommendations for the implementation of the Hunan Museum 's local education are mainly three aspects,to improve the development and utilization of the museum's local history resources,to enrich the content and form of educational activities,and to carry out in-depth and diversified cooperation with the school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hunan Museum, Museum Education, Local Education
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