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The Study On The Impact Of Traditional Media Personnel's Resignation On The Career Attraction Of Traditional Media

Posted on:2020-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330590971098Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of new media,the phenomenon of the departure of traditional media people has emerged in an endless stream.From the initial departure of a small number of media people,to the phenomenon of teamwork in the media in recent years,the phenomenon of leaving the job has emerged,and the traditional media people have frequently left the company.The reasons behind this,after leaving the company Development and impact are all topics worth studying.According to data provided by the State Press and Publication Administration,in recent years there have been about 200,000 traditional media people who have been resigned.More and more multimedia people are beginning to make adaptive responses and re-plan careers in response to the impact of new media technologies.The departure of a large number of media people actually reflects the current development of the Chinese media industry,not only reflecting the dilemma faced by media people in the new media era,but also the structural difficulties encountered by the traditional journalism industry.This paper firstly conducts in-depth interviews and text analysis on the in-depth interviews with the outgoing media people and the departure confession texts published by the extensive media people.The qualitative analysis method is used to deeply analyze the reasons for the media people leaving the job and explore the media industry reflected by the media people's resignation phenomenon.Structural problems faced,Finding the reasons for influencing media people's willingness to choose their careers or motivating them to choose to leave is concentrated in four areas:The salary system is unreasonable(revenue is too low),occupational pressure is high(performance appraisal system is strict and reporting space is limited),career development prospects are unclear(lack of training system),and traditional media operation capacity is insufficient(management system is extensive).Secondly,the traditional media people who have left the company are selected as research objects,and 103 people who haveleft the traditional media are selected to track their departure routes,trying to describe the status of the departure of traditional media people in the new media era.It is found that the development of media people after leaving their posts is mainly divided into two categories.First,they do not change their careers.Media people go to new platforms to continue to work in news production and communication.Second,they leave their jobs.Traditional media people leave the traditional editorial journalism industry.New areas of work include entrepreneurship,corporate executives,college/scientific research units(learning),public welfare,self-media,and other five categories.This paper uses field surveys to investigate and analyze the career choice intentions and professional identity of traditional media practitioners and media students,and explores the impact of frequent mediators on traditional journalism and the attractiveness of traditional media.The frequent departure of traditional media people will reduce the attractiveness of traditional media organizations to media talents.Media practitioners and media students are the driving force for the development of media organizations.Their willingness to choose careers in the news industry is not strong,and they agree with the journalism profession.The degree is also low.Finally,the author discusses the traditional media to strengthen the talent attraction coping strategy from the study of the phenomenon of separation,and puts forward three strategies.First,the traditional media should innovate the management mechanism and actively integrate the transformation.Second,the traditional media should establish a reasonable salary and employment system.Third,the training system for sound media practitioners will help the professional development of traditional media people.This paper takes the research on the phenomenon of media people's resignation as the main axis,and discusses the influence of media people's resignation on the traditional journalism industry and the attraction of traditional media talents from the phenomenon of returning to the essence of the phenomenon.Finally,it gives certain coping strategies.Media people's resignation research is a vivid perspective to observe the changes in the journalism industry.With the development of information and communication technologies,the media people's departure from research will still be worthy of continued attention in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media person leaving, Traditional media, talent attraction, media ecology
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