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Image Restoration And Rebuilding Of Urban Management Officers Under Public Opinion Crisis

Posted on:2017-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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China, a giant undergoing massive and accelerated social transformation, is evolving in both of scale and speed, impacting the entire social network environment, featuring new normality with crisis. Under the new and complicated era of ‘Omni-Media', signs of fresh characteristics for Chinese public opinion environment started to appear, including: significant attention rise-up from the public on accidental public events; more active participation compared to conventional media era, increases of opinion crisis blasting frequency, and also grow in complexity among different crisis that makes situations more incontrollable.Urban Management Officer, as a new community generated by the Chinese urbanization, has been bringing in values to better organize urban development and has built up positive images; until in recent years, as the bridge between different social hierarchies and associated interest conflicts that more are been revealed and seen by the public. Urban management officers, also, are turning into hot topic in cyber network. Not only this is putting the new community in dilemma as scape goat for policy makers, and also jeopardizes their media image affecting public trust on government.This paper, grounded on cyber environment's diversity, variation and complexity, analyzes successful lesson-learns in shaping urban management officers images from both domestic and international, researches on general rules and scientific methodologies and effective solutions to increase resilience in dealing with cyber public opinion crisis, rectify the flaws in public image shaping, improves sense of belonging, restores and rebuilds-up relations with the public.Specifically, this paper focuses on Three Segments: Urban Management Officer Image Deterioration: case studies and summarizes critical elements with common patterns in transmitting cyber public opinions; Urban Management Officer Image Restoration: analysis and comparisons between current and conventional media eras and therefore derives root causes of image deterioration; finally New Image Shaping: based off Ito Youchi's Tripolar Model and starting from three major objects as urban management officer, media and the public, to analyze and drives a path of shaping new image under Cyber Public Opinion Crisis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Opinion Crisis, Urban Management Officers, Media Image
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