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Research On The Reform Of Civil Servant Pension

Posted on:2017-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482988344Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the new normal, Chinese economic structure, social structure, institutional and cultural structures continue to occur even more profound changes since the reform and opening up. Jilin Province, the civil service pension system with the development of the civil service pension system China, the central spirit of the document in accordance with the reform of the civil service pension system, boot to stop the implementation of 2001, after five years of reform in 1996, was not suited to the social and economic development return to the "dual-track" process. Since the policy of Jilin Province and the actual shackles, Jilin Province, the civil service pension system so far is still using a unit-based, direct financial pay pension insurance for civil servants as the current system. Such exudes endowment insurance system for the planned economy era, there is the inherent flaw in today’s society, especially with the aging society, the accelerated pace of urbanization in Jilin Province, in recent years, coupled with "public examination fever" boost, civil servants this specific population rising degree of social concern, the treatment benefits of civil servants under scrutiny.The author from the status of the civil service pension system in Jilin Province of in-depth analysis of problems existed in the social old-age insurance system of Jilin Province, draw lessons from the successful experience of the pension insurance system reform in developed countries public officials, civil officials, etc., and combined with the successful practice of the endowment insurance system reform of the insurance system and business personnel other domestic provinces and cities urban workers pension insurance, proposed to further improve Jilin Province civil service pension insurance system reform countermeasure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil, Servants pension, Jilin, reform
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