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The Design Of Mianyang Mobile Business Operation By Group On The Management System

Posted on:2015-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473954020Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Group on the business” is mobile company in order to better meet user demand for access to the Internet, voice, video and other applications, and set up special line service. From the current accepted business is tedious, the efficiency is not high, therefore mianyang mobile company plans to develop mobile “group on the business” management system. Because of my job, became the main business of this system.Follow the principle of software engineering, this system has experienced the demand analysis, detailed design, and development based on the detailed design, finally has carried on the related function test. For the requirements analysis phase, I according to the "group" business, the system is divided into the account management, work order management, payment management, online query cost management, complaints Suggestions and data migration management module, and the sub function of each module are summarized. In the detailed design stage, according to the requirements for the detailed system design, draw a data flow diagram of each module. Account management, for example, the applicant of its staff or group business on the unified management of the account information in the system design in detail. Detailed design in the user management system implemented one or several super users, responsible for staff account maintenance; Work order management, detailed design of the group’s business applicant factory to apply, save, modify, cancel operations such as processing business. Then based on function points, design the main function of each module, and on this basis, according to the ER diagram analysis, structure design of the main database table, for the development of the system implementation laid the foundation data., which is based on the detailed design, in the coding phase, the system has carried on the development, the development language of choice for the c # language, system architecture to the BS structure, development of system platform for Visual Studio. Net. System in the process of development, adhere to the principle of software engineering, in the form of document driven development for the development of the system design. In the process of development, according to the detailed design content, the public function, and its encapsulation for code base, for the use of other business logic, so as to enhance the development efficiency, public code development is completed, for module, hierarchical business development, in the process of system development, guided by the demand analysis and detailed design direction. After completion of system development, combined with the test principle, the system was tested. Test process of the unit tests first, and then points module integration testing, from test results, as well as the test cases, the system can well meet the requirements of design on the function, realized the mianyang on the function of mobile group on the related business "unified management, promote the mianyang mobile companies in the group on the" business informatization construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:software engineering, c # language, the group lines, mianyang mobile company
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