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Design And Implementation Of Xinjiang Ruijie Company’s OA System

Posted on:2015-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467985499Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, Xinjiang Ruijie chemical corporation limited still use traditional OA software to deal with the business affairs, which mainly adopts C/S structure. But with the expansion of business scale of production, Xinjiang Ruijie corporation has established many prefectures affiliated institutions and need to handle more complex business. The disadvantage of the traditional OA software began exposing, such as the difficulties of upgrade and maintenance, relatively simple function module and the monotonous management interface, so companies need the help of information network technology, design and develop the OA system for the company’s current business characteristics.This paper first analyzes important meaning to use OA system for enterprise management and probes into the present research situation of the domestic and foreign software. Then it briefly introduces software architecture of Xinjiang Ruijie company’s OA system and relevant application technology, functional requirements, using text and use case diagram to describe the OA software business needs and performance requirements. Finally, the OA system’s architecture design and functional module design based on the JavaEE platform is discussed in detail, and the system implementation process is described in use of text, the flow chart and code.According to the daily office business of enterprise, OA systems are designed for five functional modules, including the personal office, schedule planning, information management, examination and approval flow and system management of five. OA system make use of the current mainstream three-tier B/S structure, based on JavaEE platform, using the current mainstream Spring framework. Spring framework provide MVC function, which can reduce the coupling between modules and improve code reusability and portability.
Keywords/Search Tags:OA System, Three-tier B/S Structure, Personal Office, Approval Flow
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