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Design And Implementation Of The Sales Management System For Small And Medium Enterprises

Posted on:2015-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A Z HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467456743Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of society, the gradual expansion of businessscale, enterprise urgent need for a stable and efficient information managementsystem for enterprises to manage the entire sales process. Traditional paper process isreplaced by information management, paper form only as an aid, on the one hand toensure the normal operation of information management systems, find informationmanagement system vulnerabilities, prompting developers modify the system morereasonable, to make the information management system is fully in line with theneeds of enterprises; On the other hand paper form only as a confirmation of allaspects of information, such as the signing of the sales contract, warehousemanagement sends products to the sales clerk, maintenance management givesproduct will be repaired to maintenance personnel or gives the repaired product to thewarehouse management. After the entire information management system is stable,paper office will be replaced gradually by information office. This is also in line withthe construction of environmental conservation-oriented society of the times demand."Information is the inevitable choice to realize the industrialization andmodernization of our country. We must insist on using information technology topromote industrialization, promote the information technology withindustrialization, out of a high technological content, good economic returns, lowresource consumption, less environmental pollution, human resource advantages intofull play the new-type industrialization road."Comrade Jiang Zemin diagnosis about”information technology” for enterprise development Chinese lit a beacon, alsoaccelerated the development of China’s information technology pace.Through the research of the Beijing small and medium-sized enterprises, smalland medium enterprises do not use ERP with all functions of the system, and are unable to pay the cost of design ERP system of noble, avoid the basic functions ofgeneral enterprise information system only enterprise, i.e. only universality, unable tomeet the functional requirements of the special problems of enterprises, to the smalland medium enterprises engineering application background, analysis ofenterprise warehouse management, product sales, product repair process operationrules, the sales management system design and development for enterprises, to solvethe similar enterprise information technology process of enterprise developmentdifficulties encountered in the small and medium enterprises. Help SMEs solveinformation technology major is facing a lack of consciousness, needs analysis is notenough, the application deviates from global, high hysteresis and related softwaremarket building enterprise information construction costs and other issues to someextent.In the theoretical part of the study, this paper first introduces the researchbackground and significance of the subject. The low level of information has led tothe emerging scientific management methods and management mechanisms cannot beintroduced properly, severely limits the development of SMEs. Enterprises need avariety of management systems for the various processes of enterprises to be morescientific and standardized management, to ensure the normal operation of businessprocesses, improve operational efficiency, and ensure the normal development ofenterprises.Then the enterprise information theory is analyzed in detail. Enterpriseinformation technology means enterprise promote the application of informationtechnology in all aspects of production and management, leverage and develop theinformation resources and human resources both internal and external the enterprise,establish organizational model with this adaptation, thereby enhancing the production,management, decision-making, etc. process level and efficiency, and enhance thecompetitiveness of enterprises. With the depth of the development and widespread useof information resources, this process accelerated evolution in geometric progressionfrom lower to higher. To carry out the construction of enterprise information is the fundamental purpose of the transformation of traditional industries and thedevelopment of information technology as the core of the process of high-techindustries, and constantly enhance their ability to develop innovative, managementand competitiveness.Then this paper describes the status of the construction of small and mediumenterprise information, pointing out that while small and medium enterpriseinformation problems encountered, is also facing a very large opportunities.Introduced the enterprise information construction is all about.In the design and implementation of part of the sales management system, thispaper carried out a detailed analysis and presentation needs of sales managementsystem for analysis. Include process analysis, role analysis of the sales managementand other functions for the protection of the sales management system uptime analysis.Through various processes of analysis and presentation, the basic sort out the orderflow between the basic module to determine the sales management system, to ensurethat the design and business needs of sales management system is fully fit.Then this paper analyzes compared the B/S architecture and C/S architecture,noting choose B/S architecture for several reasons; describes the JAVA programminglanguage and Mysql database associated with the Web system developmentadvantages and strengths. Use the JAVA programming language as techniques and B/Sarchitecture as the technical direction, detailing the database design system and therealization of each module.Finally, this paper analyzes and prospects for the application of sales managementsystem in the small and medium enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sale Management System, JSP, B/S Mode
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