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The Research On The Profit Model Of DFZB Securities Company

Posted on:2017-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330488467025Subject:The MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, because of our country’s securities companies in the industry environment as well as international policy has produced a significant change. To development caused a great influence, these factors mainly the influx of transaction rates continue to decrease, foreign companies, lower the threshold of the industry, these securities is no longer a previous dominance, entered the warlords and the complete competition period, the development of the industry as a whole is no longer subject to policy of blessing [4]. In view of this, the company in the industry to achieve the next step continue to ascend, world counterparts to learn at the same time, all the way down before his overweening ideology, and rely on the secondary market survival farewell, according to their own actual situation, evoke a suitable for their own, for the market of new profit system.DFZB securities company DF securities companies belonging to the, DF securities is home to set up the first batch of market-oriented operation of brokerage, its current size of industry ranked within the top five, the company has by virtue of its own strength, the construction of the comprehensive business information platform, the company by virtue of its male thick comprehensive strength, a wide range of market influence, favorable brand image in the domestic accumulated a large number of the number of customers, company securities brokerage, investment banking and asset management business income of Excel in the industry, two financial business, such as stock index futures innovation and business development is well order. In recent years, due to changes in national security policy changes and the situation of market economy, commission liberalization, foreign firms to enter, into opening threshold, personal account situation of one person households and, the brokerage declining level of profitability, traditional brokerage profit model has not adapted to the requirements of the development of the securities industry under the new situation, as a subsidiary of DF securities, how to with the parent company and the tremendous influence of the strength of the brand as the basis, combined with its own characteristics to optimize profit model has become an important task that companies need to study. Therefore, I combine the knowledge learned during the period of school, in accordance with the theory of contact practical principles, through the study on my own brokerage DFZB of securities companies profit model, of company of effective improvement suggestions and measures. DFZB securities companies improve profitability and achieve leapfrog development, provide long-term security is put forward.The main content of this paper is divided into four parts:First, we’ll delve into the domestic securities companies profit model theory, then, research DFZB securities company specific circumstances, DFZB securities companies profit model status and problems were analyzed at the same time, the use of PEST, SWOT theory analysis tools, DFZB securities company profit model influencing factors were analyzed. Finally, on this basis, the company made profit model optimization and implementation of recommendations for DFZB securities companies improve profitability and achieve leapfrog development, provide long-term protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities Company, Profit Model, SWOT
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