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Study On Connotation And Delineating Of Protection Areas Of "Historic Distrcts"

Posted on:2013-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467459383Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s protection of historical and cultural heritages was mainly consist of threelevels: historical and cultural city、historical districts and historical heritages.That wasthe protection of the cities、districts and features. Historical districts were veryimportant to protection of historical and cultural cities.But until now, the formulationsof historical districts are still not the same in different files.It caused multi-conceptsand names and leaded controversy and misunderstanding currently. So it’s necessaryto study deeply.As the cognitions of conntations of “historical districts”around the country werenot the same, the ways of delineating potection areas appeared diversified.Some weredelineated widely and others narrowly, some neatly and others piecemeal, some weredrawed one line and others two or three lines.As a result, some protection measureswere stricit and others unbended.Some implementing measures were demolishing andconstructing intensly and others gradurally.So it’s necessary to study scientific waysof delineating and fomulate explicit protection requests.The thsis took connotation and areas delineating as study objects.Firstly ananalysis and summary were conducted deeply on the reasons why the above problemswere produced.It sorted out relative theoretical studies and practise developmentshome and abroad, summarized several ways and their pros and cons and discriminatedthe ties and differences among different concepts.Second,it discussed the effectedfactors in delineating,proposed that the truth of history、integrity of features anddisplay of history and culture are the principles in delineating and made a study ontechnology route simutaneously.The effected factors were consist of conprehensivevalues,position,aggregation of resources, integrity of structures and the external cityenviroment the historical districts were in.Third, an overall requirement wasproposed.A research on the ways of delineating of historical districts in grading andclassification was made.At last,the view of the thesis was summarised.The study on this issue was hoped to integrate cognition of “historical districts” and formulate scientific priciples, routes and ways of delineating relatively so as toprovide valuable references in protecting “historical districts”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical districts, Connotation, Delineat, Protection areas, Effectedfactors
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