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University Press Of Digital Development Research In China

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G MiFull Text:PDF
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In the era of network technology, the digital university press is a both traditional and new issue. Traditionally, academic publishing is the aim of the university press, but also its responsibility. In recent years, however, the function of the university press has been influenced due to the development and popularization of the network environment, we must think seriously about the its position University press function is gradually being replaced, or will develop a more diverse functions? Facing the impact of the trend of digital publishing, how to improve the level of publishing, improve the industry status quo, became an important subject for university press.Under the change of media environment, the traditional publishing transformation is the inevitable trend in the direction of digital publishing. University press of operations must also be adjusted. New or unique original university press business model should from the simple use of the Internet advertising and marketing, to provide substantial digital content in the digital university press or electronic university press. And, University press should rely on school plenty of human resources, intellectual resources, knowledge resources, teaching resources and academic resources, make the press shift gradually from a single provider of academic works for the society as a whole learning content providers and service providers; Using the university’s resource advantage, collaboration in the field of education content, operation and service integrated digital publishing platform, will have broad prospects for development. Innovative digital publishing products form, will become important means to enhance the competitiveness of digital publishing.To sum up, along with the digital technology as the representative of the rapid development of information science, publishing industry is undergoing a revolutionary change.In gradually clear the connotation of the digital publishing and business model under the condition of increasingly mature, become the news publishing industry in China in digital publishing development trend under the irreversible trend, every university press in the face of the difficulties in the process of digital transformation, such as lack of digital copyright protection, the technical standard is not unified, lack of digital publishing, and so on, greatly restricts the sustainable development of university press. At the same time, the university press also retains many traditional advantages, such as talent advantage, resource advantage, location advantage, and so on. So the survival status of university press in the digital environment, consider how university press foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, realize own breakthrough and development, for its safety, under the situation of new media which has important practical significance. Long-term since, our country university press at the same time of provide service for school teaching, scientific research, also creates a good social benefits and economic benefits. Especially since the1980s, the university publishing house has developed rapidly, become domestic publishing industry’s power is significant. In this sense, the university press for the exploration of digital process, for the whole publishing industry in our country’s digital transformation, has huge implications. This is what the true meaning of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:university press, digital publishing, digital transformation
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