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Based On The People’s Armed Police Force Network Office Automation System Research And Implementation

Posted on:2014-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401465774Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With today’s increasingly fierce competition, the company’s most valuable resourceis human resources; it is the sustainable development of enterprises to improvecompetition. It is also important in the modernization of our army, and payrollmanagement is an important focus of human resources management project.Implementation of the Electronic Personnel Management, you can make the staffengaged in the management of human resources from the trivial work and thus havemore time over and over again to complete other important work.The system uses a combination of J2EE architecture and MVC pattern architectureserver by BEA Weblogic Server and database is MS-SQL Server. The system to achievethe personnel management system of the Armed Police Academy, focusing on thedesign and realization of Personnel Management, payroll management, usermanagement, and other functions. it improves the management efficiency.There are five chapters in the thesis.Chapter1: Introduction. Elaborated the background and significance of theresearch, research status, the main tasks of the study.Chapter II: Related Technology. Data mode structure theory, expounded in thetheoretical aspects of the choice of personnel and payroll management system datamodel based on the Web, J2EE characteristics of Java and object-oriented technology.Chapter3: requirements analysis. This chapter is to use of institutional analysis ofthe business needs of human resources management, the functional requirements of thesoftware system to do in-depth analysis, business process diagrams, data flow diagrams,Chapter4: System Design. This chapter on the basis of the needs analysis,illustrates the architecture of the system design, system features modular design, thestructure of the database design of specific process.Chapter5: System test. This chapter describes the method of system testing,design and effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:System Structure, OO, Human Resource and C&B Management
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