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Ly Construction Company Development Strategy Analysis

Posted on:2010-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330368477732Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been 30 years since the Reform and Opening, our country has transformed a planned economy to a socialist market economy. The economy improves fast because the state capital construction investment scale is increasing, the investment structure of construction projects is gradually diversifying and the urbanization rate is rising. Construction market and construction management mode is also coming through a right-about change. Therefore it’s contribution to the economy’s improvement is increasing.LY construction company, which had belonged to government’s authority, was transformed into a company in 1998.After the following 11 years’ fast development, it’s facing a crossroad. Its problem is how to retain this high-speed development, at this time, It needs to analyze and do some particular research on the company’s operation, in order to find a way adapt to its development. Based on the actuality of the LY construction company, the author gives some advice on the improvement of the company by using his knowledge studied in EMBA to analyse LY company’s outer environment and inner complextion.This article is formed in 4 Chapters:Chapter 1 LY company’s developing process, actual situation and problemsIn this Chapter, the author retrospects the background of LY company’s founding and its developing process firstly, and then analyze its actual situation, finding the problems which exist during the developing process.Chapter 2 analysis on LY company’s environmentAbove all, the author describes what is Strategic Enterprise Management, and then analyzes its external macroscopic environment micro-environment and inside environment by using PEST models based on SWOT.Chapter 3 LY company’s choice of strategyAt the beginning, the author shows the strategic objectives of the company, including 2010-2011 strategic objectives, then resents its strategic choice, including developing and competing strategy.In the end the author shows its functions strategy.Chapter 4 LY company’s strategy implementation and strategy controlIn this chapter, the author describes how to reify the strategy in every function and offers some advice on its strategy control.Because the author’s knowledge is limited, there must be some mistake in this paper, any comment will be apprised.
Keywords/Search Tags:LY Company, Strategy Management, SWOT Analysis
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