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The Design And Implementation Based On The Teachers’ Teaching Anagement System Of MVC

Posted on:2013-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395474734Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Teaching Management is an important complement of the teaching processand the necessary links. However, due to the involvement in the complex processes andthe large amount of data, it is likely to cause the loss of data and the lack ofmanagement, etc.. Through the establishment and application of the teachingmanagement system, It can further promote scientific and modernization of the teachingmanagement and decision-making for institutions of higher learning teaching.MVC (Model-View-Controller) Model-View-Controller is a classic designpattern. It can solve the problems such as high maintenance costs, frequent changes incustomer demand and the long development cycle.This paper analyzes the demand for teachers in the teaching process of teachingmanagement, as well as for incompleteness teaching management system functions anddesign defects, and to explore the significance of the design pattern, combined with theteachers’ actual teaching management needs, based on the design and implementation ofthe management system of the teaching of the MVC design pattern. Entire system arebased on the idea of object-oriented design and implementation process, using theASP.NET MVC framework technology, clear thinking of the system design, softwarereusability, based on the establishment and application of the teachers teachingmanagement system can provide an information management platform for universityteachers in the teaching and learning environment, so that teachers teaching processattendance usually results, experimental teaching management and teaching links can bemore efficient, and convenient to manage. The main research content includes thefollowing:The first chapter overview of the development of the teaching administrationevaluates the existing teaching administration system, analyzes features required andfinally puts forward the idea of the MVC-modeled teaching administration informationsystem. The chapter one overview the development of the teaching management systemand the teaching situation today, make a brief description and analysis of the needs ofthe teachers teaching management system, and propose to use the MVC pattern designto design the system.The second chapter describes the type and select software system architecture, thetheoretical basis of ASP.NET and the main advantage, AJAX and JQuery technology.The third chapter describes the basic theory of the MVC design pattern andASP.NET MVC, mainly to explain the method of realization of the system framework,a detailed description of the mode of the ASP.NET MVC framework workflow and theway to achieve most of the components.The fourth chapter describes the system requirements analysis and the overalldesign, mainly to explain the main objective of the system, the main function of thesystem, the system architecture and system business processes, introduced databaseanalysis and design process.The fifth chapter describes the implementation and expansion of ASP.NET MVCframework technology, mainly to explain the system framework for the realization ofthe detailed description of the mode of the ASP.NET MVC framework workflow andthe way to achieve most of the components. Description the main functions of thevarious functional modules and the main method and gives part of the program runningshot and implementation code.The last chapter serves as a summary, including the analysis of the advantages anddisadvantages of this system, proposal of improving method for the system as well asexpectation for future development models.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Management, Design model, MVC ASP.NET
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