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The Design And Implementation Of Learning System Based On Job-Skills

Posted on:2013-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395473459Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of the social science and information technology witnesses rapid development and widespread applications of E-teaching and learning (or on-line teaching). What counts for on-line teaching is learning and evaluation of the learning. Learners can decide their learning according to their preferred jobs, and according to their performance, the system is to generate an evaluation report (a career planning), choices of possible careers and suggestions about their career development. In the current grim employment situation, a well-thought career planning means significantly to graduates from vocational colleges.Through studying literature and online learning system, course website development, and teaching, the author finds that the following problems in the original system should be noticed. First, career goal is not clear. Students do not know the association between the courses and their future jobs; they just take them for credits. Second, leaning is practiced in isolation. The original system only offers study content designed for one course without providing previously-taken, required, follow-up and complementary courses. Third, evaluation of study effect is insufficient. The evaluation report on the E-learning system is limited to on-line tests, which results in incomprehensive assessment and lack of analysis feedback. For this token, the paper is intended for the following concerns:1. To collect and analyze the needs of job skills with regard to local economy and recent employment situation. In order to provide a guide to the E-learning system, trees of jobs and skills will be built.2. To collect and sort skills-related materials for the courses in question.3. Based on Kirkpatrick model and the theory of learning system design, this paper is intended to construct a model for evaluation of learning performance with learning ability and vocational ability as its core. Compared with the traditional evaluation, this model is characterized by attaching importance to learners’ reality-based learning capabilities and feedbacks from their employers. This paper also aims to design and develop a job-oriented system that includes demand analysis, system designing and development, performance evaluation, conclusion and prospects. The system is built on the B/s model, PHP developing language and Mysql database system.
Keywords/Search Tags:a learning system, Kirkpatrick model, model for evaluation of learning performance, career planning
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