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Research On The Phenomenon Of On-line Gathering Comments

Posted on:2013-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W HuangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, with a sharply increasing number of cyber-citizens and the increasing of the average on-line time, great changes has occur to how cyber-citizens take advantage of the Internet and what they do on it. However, compared with its function of entertainment, cyber-citizens tend to be interested in the current affairs and social events. And they prefer to interact profoundly in the events rather than browse randomly. Among all the frequent and diversified on-line events, attentions have been paid to the on-line gathering comment. It does not only represent the public opinions, but also comprises of information and opinions of all kinds. The power accumulated by the virtual community, which is concentrated and widely used by the net users, is strong enough to impact the development of the event as well as the judgement and decisions made to the public affairs. Therefore, the on-line gathering comment has contributed to the popularity of social fashion, the spread of information and the accumulation of public opinions. Besides, its function of public opinion supervision is highly recommended by the mass.Nevertheless, when we see essence through the phenomenon, doubts and anxiety on the on-line gathering comments can not be avoided while analysis on its root, background and further impact has been carried out, which makes the re-evaluation necessary. As a result of information and technology, it is advanced in technology but weak in the direction of the people’s logical way of thinking, that is it will make the opinion biased. Meanwhile, it also impacts nagatively on people’s way of thinking and using the internet. Besides, due to loose arrangement, the on-line gathering comment, which is formed by both the internal demand and the external environment, is so powerful in the internal arrangement that can aggregate the external paradox. Even the impact of any single opinion can not be neglected. Hence, the on-line gathering comment should be treated dialectically and critically. In the essay, the author has emphasized that the distortion of the event by the on-line gathering comment will impact the spread of information. With the spread of information, it will evolve into obvious biased public opinion. Different opinions will be spread, integrated and conflicted when different on-line gathering comments exist. As a result, to recognize the phenomenon should not be constraint singly in the information spread and social aspects. It should be analyzed with the prospect of complicated on-line and off-line human relationship. The cyber-civilization and social environments will be impacted by the negative issues, such as the loss balance between the perceptive environment and the real world, loss control of information and the interference on public opinions, etc.In the research paper, the author has agreed on the constructive function of the on-line gathering comments and has pointed out its disadvantages. Meanwhile, he suggests the government, media and internet users should choose the information rationally and take good advantage of the on-line gathering comments and other on-line activities to prevent them from confusion of technology and community extremism. In this way, the media and real society can be developed stably and orderly.
Keywords/Search Tags:On-line gathering comments, Community, Public Opinion, Technology, Rational
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