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The Analysis Of The Late Qing Western Learning And The Modern Publishing Transition Of FuJian Province

Posted on:2013-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fujian publishing industry are more developed since ancient times.The late Qing Dynasty,in particular after the Opium War.Fujian publishing industry came the turning point of history, Western’s Learning process, bring advanced content, technical and institutional to Fujian publishing industry,Promoted the Fujian transformation of modern publishing.It can be said,the history of Fujian modern publishing is typical representative in the modernization of the early transition of China Publishing.This article from the Western content of the publication issued, the spread of use of printing technology and the publication of the process of modernization of the institutions,to study the early achievements of Fujian modern publishing transition.At the same time,due to Fujian background semi-closed,Internal input and external output of the Western,Can not be fully balanced in the publication,Resulting in the transformation of the late Fujian modern publishing development lag and slow.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fujian publishing instudry, Western learning, modernize, Analysis ofTransformation
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