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Drugstore Chain Management System

Posted on:2013-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371485357Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularization of global information technology, all areas in people’s dailylife require systematic and computerized management, to achieve standardization of themanagement mechanism, thus providing for people’s daily lives more comfortable andsecure environment. And with the increasingly fierce social competition, particularly thecompetition among enterprises, survival of the fittest become a natural phenomenon, if theenterprise to an invincible position in the competition, it must use of high-tech means tomanage enterprises, achieving overall office automation of enterprises, rapid flow ofinformation, and thus improving the economic efficiency of enterprises.Enterprise information is essentially the production process, material movement,transaction processing, cash flow and other business process digitization, generating newinformation resources through a variety of information system, providing insight for thepeople at all levels to observe all kinds of dynamic business information, in order to makeoptimal combination of elements conducive to the production decision, to enableenterprises to allocate resources rationally, so that enterprises can adapt to the changingcompetitive environment of market economy, and seek the greatest economic benefits. Theautomation and computerization of enterprise management has become the inevitable trendof development of the enterprise, medical profession is one part of them. This professionneeds a large database to maintain the data problems of everyday life, and the establishmentof a comprehensive database management system is very helpful to the development of themedical profession to a large extent.Taking into account the pharmacy management does not yet has full use of theappropriate management software, this paper takes it as a starting point, and uses MISmanagement information system technology and Delphi language developed drugstorechain management system.The drugstore chain management system designed by this paper is user-orientedsoftware of system functions that based WINDOS operating systems, whose main role is tomanage and maintain drug information, and to establish a clear relationship between usersand management. The entire system started from the requirements of the simple,user-friendly, flexible, practical and safe, and designed the purchase of drugs, delivery,sales, inventory, statistics, returns, drug management, code maintenance and other aspects. The system can effectively complete the management of drug purchase, sales and storage,the degree of checking the legality of recording data is high, the speed of data query isquick, the speed of system response is quick, the features practical is well, and canimplement every work within the system easily and efficiently.The main research work is as follows:(1) Systematic studied and researched the relevant theoretical knowledge of theDrugstore Chain Management System.(2) Through actual investigation of the Drugstore Chain Management, analyzed thefeasibility of Drugstore Chain Management System from the technical, economic, socialfactors and operation. According to the requirements of users, analyzed the function of thesystem, and gave the system’s development objectives, requirements analysis and data flow.(3) According to the functional requirements of Drugstore Chain Management System,this article designed the function module of the System, and it was divided into seven parts,they are drug sales module, the inventory management module, statistics module, drugmanagement module, the code maintenance module, exit module and help module, andgave the functional structure of the system and the design of each sub-module.(4) According to the design of each functional module in Drugstore ChainManagement System, this paper presented the detailed design of each module and results,and conducted system testing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drugstore Chain Management, MIS, Delphi
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