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Literature Study On Luxin Jing

Posted on:2013-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374991774Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Luxin Jing" is a book for TCM pediatric treatise which is the earliest existing book in history,with very high literature and academic research value. Modern scholar Yu Jiaxi thinks that the Lu xin is quite ancient word, which may be associated with Tailu yaolu in Han dynasty. Ma Jixing argues that the book has many synonyms such as "Xiaoer Luxin Jing","Xiaoer Luxin Fang"," Luxin Fang"," Luxin Jing","Yinhai Luxin Jing","Yinger Maijue", and these nicknames appeared in the different history of literature. The author and the finishing years of this book are difficult to figure out, and it’s speculated that maybe "Xiaoer Luxin Jing" is about the theoretical aspects of pediatric medical writings, written by Wei fan who was combining with the clinical experience in pediatric based on"Xiaoer Luxin Jing" written as Xiaoer Luxin fang".In the spreading process, the content of this book gradually scattered and lost. In the Tang and Song Dyasties, some people rewroted "Luxin Jing" according to the legacy content of this book and adding some prescription of that era, therefore "Luxin Jing" was first documented in "Hanshu·yiwenzhi". In the Ming Dynasty,"Yongle Dadian" and some other books included with this book. From Song Dynasty to Ming," Lu xin Jing " had multiple versions. At present, The more popular version is the Si Ku ben "Luxin Jing". There are variety editions of "Siku Ben", one of which is a series of "Hanhai" version, with a total of four editions; another is a Chen Zhan series version, also with four editions. The Hanhai and Danggui Caotang versions has not only spread in domestic, but also was found in Japan Oriental Culture Research Institute of Kyoto University and University of Tokyo Humanities Institute."Luxin Jing" has more than6800words, and more medical books included with this book’s sentence, the author arranges all different sentences from many other books and attached to the end of this paper for easy reference. In this paper, it’s mainly involved in the common pediatric diseases, and the description of which is only about symptoms, not including of documented treating prescription.About46formulas according to statistics, which were mainly used in treatment of epilepsy, diarrhea, palpitations, erysipelas. Comparison these prescriptions with the Tang and Song Dynasties experience side, we could find the transmission relationship in these formulas with each other. In the book of "Luxin Jing", the method of taking medication, taboo, and drug content are recorded."Luxin Jing·Jing Xian Dian" recorded the treatment of prescription including of Belezoar Wan and Hujing Wan, the main component are bezoar and tiger eye, Bezoar can treat epilepsy, seizures, epilepsy, and. other disorders, while the tiger’s eye can cure epilepsy, Eye Nebula. Rickets is the most common pediatric diseases.There are15manutrition symptoms have been described in "Luxin Jing".From the treatment prescription content analysis, Manutrition mainly fever, The primary treatment is clearing heat, involving the lower,clear and elimination, astringent, temperature, filling treatment. Therapeutic prescriptions including Baotong Wan、Zixue Wan, Zhusha Wan, Huhuanglian Wan、Tiaozhong Wan,and so on. Analysis of these prescription, Infantile malnutrition mainly use the attack, disappear, transport, repair methods. Dysentery main using, clear, acerbity methods."Luxin Jing" has6prescriptions to treat dysentery. Analysis of these formulaes, dialectical basis is when is more to heat treat malnutrition, chronic dysentery with cold; when the temperature of cold and heat; inclusion, cold virus and rickets with deposit, with Qi and clearing with spleen deficiency.Treatment of dysentery with gelatin, halloysite, fried fructus aurantii, keel, being processing of myrobalan, atractylodes macrocephala, all of these drugs can treat dysentery. The book includes15kind of erysipelas.Due to differences in the anatomical site, so the treatment methods are different. According to the definition of modern medicine, erysipelas is broken by the hemolytic streptococcus from the skin or mucous membranes subtle violation of the lymphatic network of the skin caused by diffuse inflammation. This shows that combination the content in "Luxin Jing", can be seen, the ancient Dan card is almost the same with modern medicine."Luxin Jing" in the process of the pediatrics formation plays a role of connecting link,"Luxin Jing" has many academic contents, such as "chun yang" doctrine, doctrine, pulse/changing steaming,these academic viewpoints on scientific academic inheritance and development played an important effect."Luxin Jing" in the "pediatric Chunyang" on later pediatric clinics play a great influence,"Pediatric Chunyang" in "Luxin Jing" plays a great influence on later pediatric clinics Qing Dynasty doctor Wu Jutong proposed pediatric "Yin and Yang" Physique Theory, but also in the academic point of view on the basis of the development of "Pediatric Chunyang". This book about " Pediatric pulse condition " and "bianzhegnxueshuo" is differs from other pediatric literature describes, there may be the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties previously in the literature handed down, which has high literature research value, worth scholars try to study deep.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luxin Jing, Pediatrics, Literature, Academic heritage
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