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Quality Management Of Construction Project

Posted on:2013-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395958928Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Combined with the construction of GUI-DU (Guiyang-DuYun)project by ZhongJiao Roads and Bridges North Engineering Co., LTD,this paper studies the quality management system of the constructionproject. We put forward specific requirements for the construction projectquality management, and divide the quality control into four stages. Thefirst is planning stage, determining the goal of quality; the second stage isthe implement and achievement of planning, the allocation, utilizationand restructuring of resources; the third is monitoring stage, comparingand evaluating the working conditions and target, and finding out the gap.Finally, in the last stage, we need to find out a set of quality improvementmethod to bridge the each gap, and put into practice. The paper alsoemphasizes the core role of man in the quality management, through thequality system and the continuous improvement, we hope to cultivatequality management personnel with the spirit of innovation and courageto practice, and form a excellent enterprise quality culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:GUI-DU project, quality management, PDCA cyclemanagement
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