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The Research On The Publishing Communication Of The Business Books

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y TaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social development and change has a profound impact on the development of the publishing industry. From the seventies of the last century, China began the great journey of reform and opening. The reform and opening policy promote China's economy continues to move forward. Along with economic development, social demand for more and more knowledge of economic management. In this context, the publishing of Economy and Management books is the rapid rise.The rise of economic and management books not only enrich our country's book market and promote the rapid development of China's publishing industry, but also bring in advanced economic and management knowledge and support for China's socialist modernization. However, with the development of China's publishing industry, economics and management book market competition increasingly fierce, and Development issues are becoming increasingly exposed. The errors have hampered the development of economic and management books published. Therefore, I summarize the history of economics and management books, analyze the laws of economics and management books, I proposed the countermeasures of book publishing. Meaningful not only for China's book market, and China's economic development is also meaningful.In order to discuss the communication laws of economics and management books. My analysis is from the vertical and horizontal angles. Longitudinal direction is to explore the characteristics and problems of the different stages of development of the books. Horizontal direction is to analyze the elements of the book spread. Finally, starting from the point of view of the Publication and Communication System proposed strategy to promote China's Economic Management Publishing spread hope to provide a reference for the development of our country administered books.The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, describes the purpose of this study, the significance of research, economics and management books and publishing Communication Research. Study methods and innovation. The second chapter summarizes the social background of the books publishing, summarize the course of development of book publishing and the problems of publishing.. The third chapter is the core chapter, I proceed from the perspective of the Communication. I think that there are four elements of the book spread:publishing communicators, content, media and audience four published propagation factor. I learn from communication theory to the various elements of the theoretical analysis, to explore the impact and role of various elements of the books published in the spread. The fourth chapter, I based on the laws of the book spread, proposed the Strategy of publication:We put the needs of readers as the core, We should build the Press brand, We should use new methods to provide content, We should use the integrated marketing communication to sale the book.
Keywords/Search Tags:The business books, the publishing of the business books, publishing communication, the elements of the communication
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