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The Spiritual Core Of People's Livelihood And News From The People's Livelihood Reference

Posted on:2007-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q DongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, a new type of news reporting about people's life appears in Chinese television history, It is called civic news reporting. It likes a new force, which plays a very important role in news reporting. As a matter of fact, civic news reporting is not a brand-new program. It is reporting news about life, concerns, and issues which are based on civilians. Civic news reporting itself incarnates the ture meaning of "Three-Close-To", also shows the main idea of "Three Represents" in news reporting system in China. If civic news reporting is the winner of the competition in media, I myself think that is just the essence of news reporting. It participates in general news reporting system energetically. Civic news reporting begins the third revolution in media system. Civic news reporting brings a bigger and brighter arena to local TV station, and provides good complementary materials to CCTV. Civic news reporting not only appears in TV but also tries to work with other media types in China. Based on "Citizen Guide" of Henan TV, The paper you are about to read will draw you a clear picture of the essence of civic news reporting, so that the experienced civic news reporting theory will make a great deal in developing civic news reporting healthy and orderly.
Keywords/Search Tags:People', s
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