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Liaoning Kay Rui Concrete Strategic Management Ltd.

Posted on:2008-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308978264Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the state's booming real estate development and construction industry as one of the basic materials of concrete output increased every year. It is in such an overall environment, the large capital inflows concrete industry. Faced with the competitive environment even more complex, if not concern, which can easily cause vicious competition, returns to the enterprise will cause harm. Therefore, enterprises in strategic management theory enterprises how to face this kind of environment is a powerful tool for the solution. Based on the sharp concrete Liaoning Kay Ltd. in size, equipment and marketing aspects of the analysis, summed up concrete enterprise marketing and production operation of the general law. And stresses the right of Liaoning Kay Rui Concrete Company Limited in marketing and management faced the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threat to the in-depth analysis, and makes corresponding countermeasures and constructive comments, and hoped that through the rectification play to our strengths, overcome the disadvantage of the operation, so as to avoid market and the operation of enterprises in disadvantaged groups, seize the opportunity, enable companies to the development of a qualitative leap.Through marketing and operation of the quality of products, quality of service and other leavened dough of fundamental improvements, Concrete companies in the market more competitive.This paper is divided into seven chaptersThe first chapter of the research background, the purpose of the study, the research ideas and the research methods;ChapterⅡstrategic overview of management theory;ChapterⅢof the analysis of the profile of enterprises based on the enterprises in management and the problems that exist;ChapterⅣsystematic analysis of the external business environment;ChapterⅤanalyzes the internal environment;ChapterⅥof the first enterprises in the SWOT analysis, the basis for the development of the enterprise development strategies;ChapterⅦis the implementation of the strategy for enterprises, the system analyzes the process of the implementation of the strategy should pay attention to the issue;...
Keywords/Search Tags:strategic management, strategy development, strategy implementation
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