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The Research Of Political News In Affinity

Posted on:2011-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HanFull Text:PDF
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There are five chapters in this article which has researched and carding on how to enhance the affinity of political news. The lacking of affinity in the political news is a indisputable fact and enhancing the affinity in it is grim reality. The urgent task is how to build the affinity of political news. The typical leading way is operating paradigm of enhancing the affinity of political news and the measured grasp is how to handle the several relationship of it correctly. The author gets close to affinity. At the start ,the author proposed the question that political news lacks affinity. The following chapters discuss detailly on the reason, crux for lacking of affinity , the way and methods of enhancing it in the political news. not only there is theoretical analysis, but also specific operations.Because the political news covers a wide range of content, not only the study will be a difficult enterprise and large-scale projects, but also the defect of force not balanced and theme not concentrated will be emerge. all in all ,the research is unable to penetrate to reach the desired effects. in order to avoid the above conditions, in the chapter"typical leading road: operating paradigm of enhancing the affinity of political news", the author singles some common and important contents, such as NPC and CPPCC reports, leaders'activities,festerval coverage and policy interpretation. Because of choosing and classificating political news proceed from the author's subjective understanding, the department will inevitably be biased. Besides, for the political news of other types of media, author lacks detailed study, the cases of this artical mainly come from paper media, not too much involved in TV, broadcast and internet.During the writing, the creative academic achievements of previous scholars give author inspirational, and many thoughts origin this, and I want to express my respect taking this opportunity. Because I have little talent and less learning, research on this issue will inevitable be wrong or less than the department. please experts and scholars give me corrections.
Keywords/Search Tags:political news, affinity, methods
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