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Study Of Bo Gu's News Practice And News Theory

Posted on:2007-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhangFull Text:PDF
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This article managed to illustrate Bo Gu's news practice, news theory and some other relative factors. Bo Gu's news career can be divided into three phases according to two affairs marked through his life. The article tried to research connotation and characteristic of different stages in Bo Gu's life, and to research relation between his news career and his place in his life as well. Afterwards, the article analyzed relationship between Bo Gu's news career and the great leader, Mao Zedong. Also, the article researched the contribution of Bo Gu in Chinese Journalism, analyzing the affection to Bo Gu's news career because of his characteristic.Firstly, the article analyzed the reason why Bo Gu run to revolution and pursue journalism from the environment of his family and his childhood. Born in a family in which many member have been well-educated, Bo Gu had a good education and had a chance to see newspapers and other progressed thoughts, which made Bo Gu tend to attend democratic campaign. He gradually realized that newspapers could play an important role in democratic actions, He wrote many news, but his journalism theory was not matured. Many of his news writings were not systematic. In his early times, Bo Gu's news practice couldn't include many fields in journalism, so he was rather a writer of news story. The article revealed the reason of that. At that time, Bo Gu has knows distinctly the purpose and function of journalism, which mainly were democracy and patriotism that was relation to his political mind. The early journalism theory of Bo Gu was close to environment of the time, which was inherited from journalism theory of Chen Duxiu and other heralds of New Cultural Campaign.Bo Gu learnt dogmatism Marxism from staying in Russia, making it be sanctification, which restricted Bo Gu completely and affected Bo Gu of a political and journalist person. In a time of staying in Jinggangshan that is the middle time of Bo Gu's journalism theory, as the superior leader of CPC and news report, Bo Gu was subjectivism and dogmatism on journalism policy and objective, which was also shown in his news report. Bo Gu paid more attention to propaganda, while rejected...
Keywords/Search Tags:BoGu, Journalism, Practice, Theory, Relations
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