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Chinese Character Laser Show In Pangolin System And Emendation Study Of Distortion For Chinese Characters

Posted on:2007-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360182980080Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Laser Show adopt a shooting-imaging method, it can show high contrast ,vivid and purecoloring image on water or smoke screen, This is a new laser shadow technique which issyncretized with computer and also a new modality for art. The initial laser show only canperform laser bean, ray-intervened and the "liza" image. Along with the fast development andcomprehensive application of laser show technique, the laser show system that is controlled bycomputer soft ware can deduct complex laser cartoon and three-dimensional image. However,for the Chinese character, the laser show limit to image, there is not a Chinese character databasefor laser show format.The current domestic laser show system is limit to import, Pangolin laser show system is oneof the most popular system, which is used in public entertainment, information, advert and so on.The thesis is based upon the Pangolin laser show system, firstly, we offer a method which canperform Chinese character in laser show, it select the Auto CAD big-font database as the originalcharacter database whose mode is similar with laser show. It transform Auto CAD format toLaser show format word by word after we anatomy the two formats. Then the Chinese charactercan been read and performed in various effect in Laser designer 2000 soft ware in Pangolin lasershow system.Secondly, The Auto CAD big-font database is only for reading and saving in computer, thecharacter transformed from Auto CAD format is not compatible with the Pangolin laser showsystem, for the mechanical identity of the laser show system. Therefore, there must be adistortion for Chinese character in laser show. Then, we design and fulfill a project, which cansolve the distortion effectively and theoretically.We can transpire from the ILDA Laser show transfer format that the Chinese character canbeen saved as one frame format image file and we also can save some series of frames as one file,then, we can realize the roll output of the Chinese character in laser show system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laser Show, Auto CAD Big-font file, Chinese Characters
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