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A Study On Meteorological Undergraduate Education

Posted on:2012-07-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1480303362467654Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Talents are the foundation of social development. Therefore, talents edu cation is the eternal theme of universities and colleges. Throughout the hi story of China Meteorology Education, the talents education of universitie s and colleges, in particular, education of undergraduates has achieved gre at success. However, academic research on this phenomenon appears to b e weak and unsystematic. Although there does exist some research on it, yet they almost illustrated from the field of trade and somewhat lack the logical analysis. This dissertation will start from the history of China's Meteorological Undergraduate Education (MUE), its status quo and the ex isting problems with the application of research methods such as literature review, investigation, case study and comparative analysis, etc. By learni ng the successful experience of MUE in history, we are grounded on the new situation from both home and abroad especially the need of future development of China's meteorological education. Moreover, with the com parative analysis between China's Meteorological Undergraduate Education and that of abroad, we strive to figure out the problems in the objective s, the processes, the systems and the quality evaluation in MUE so as to grope for a path fitting to nurture the capable undergraduate talents in China's universities and colleges for the future development of meteorolo gy in all aspects. According to the four major aspects of MUE, we discuss the meteoro logical education status quo as Beijing University (a first-class comprehen sive university), Nanjing University of Information Science and Technolog y (a university with comprehensive disciplines in MUE) and Ocean Unive rsity of China (a university with characteristics in MUE). Besides, we als o take the current situation of the China's meteorological development an d meteorological undergraduate education into consideration with the succ essful experience of MUE in US, Russia, and Japan. According to this re search, since China's socialist market economic system has already taken shape and developed greatly, higher education system reform has deepene d and the trend of public education of higher education has become popu lar. Moreover, the modernization of China's meteorological development h as accelerated. However, location of objectives, carrying out of process, a nd system guarantee and evaluation system of China's MUE and other as pects cannot meet the needs of China's meteorological career to the talent s. And the inadaptability lies in the talents structure (not only the individ ual academic structure, but the overall academic structure also included), i nstead of the scale of talents.Based on such situation, this research advises the suitable adaptability changes to domestic MUE (some universities have already taken these c hanges, such as Nanjing University of Information Science and Technolog y). The improvement of the quality of meteorological talents has to be cl osely connected with domestic MUE and the needs of the service of met eorological science and technology and meteorological career. First of all, we should locate the objectives of MUE in face of the higher education service and the forces of the discipline with the needs of China's meteo rological development. Secondly, we need to upgrade the discipline struct ure, promote the intersection of different disciplines so as to broaden the connotation of majors and strengthen the adaptability of disciplines in te rms of the trend of atmospheric science and the needs of different trades. Lastly, under the instruction of overall meteorological knowledge, we sh ould upgrade the contents of disciplines and reconstruct the curricular syst em of MUE to outstand the uniqueness, diversification and internationaliz ation of MUE.
Keywords/Search Tags:higher education, majors in meteorological sciences, undergraduates, talent training
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