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Li Xianzhi And The Development Of Meteorological Higher Education In Modern And Contemporary China

Posted on:2019-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2370330545470143Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the introduction of meteorology into China in the 1920s,undergoing several changes and development,and built by several generations of meteorologists,the meteorology of our country has flourished in modern times.In the nearly one hundred years of this,meteorological research has been vigorously carried out in full force,and the persistence of education has been the consensus of all scholars.In 1936,Li Xianzhi,a returnee from Germany,taught at Tsinghua University,Southwest United University and Peking University.As a representative meteorologist in China's modern meteorological history,he has made a number of certain contributions to modern meteorological higher education and meteorological scientific research field.At the beginning of the last century,the Chinese society was diametrically beset with internal and external problems,and in the era of extremely backward scientific and technological development,the turbulent times created a large number of people of insight.The fertile soil of the revolutionary era nourished the spirit of scientific salvation,and the young students,represented by Li Xianzhi,energetically aspired to serve the motherland.Through the series and practical experience of the northwest science examination group,Li Xianzhi went to Germany to study meteorology,and when he returned home,he was full of passion and enthusiasm to go to the university and to give him the knowledge he had learned abroad.The positive actions that we had actively offered diversified meteorological courses to encourage students to conduct more internship observation and to maintain the meteorological education during the war of resistance against Japanese aggression.The concept of meteorological personnel training that he insisted on has sent a large number of excellent meteorologists for the construction of modem meteorological services in China.At the same time,under the condition that both meteorological technology and meteorological research equipment lagging behind,scientific research was firmly abided by,and Li Xianzhi's research on meteorological disasters has a profound influence,which was regarded as a classic by the meteorology class at that time.His scientific research methods and meteorological ideas are still in use today,and exert an extensive and far-reaching influence on modern meteorological research in China.Based on this,this article chooses Li Xianzhi as the representative of the history of the moderm higher education as the research object,analyzing his research and educational experience,researching his insistence on various educational ideas under the background of different times and the same meteorological thoughts and research methods,with the purpose of tightenly tracing the modern meteorological cause of higher education in the development of detailed course,exploring the trajectory of the construction of meteorological service.By analyzing the Li Xianzhi's life as well as the meteorological study achievements of scientific research and education,focusing on Li Xianzhi in Tsinghua University,Southwest United University and Beijing University teaching experience,this paper researches in three different periods the transformation of education idea,from the early "generalists" education philosophy to the education idea of "know-how",to put forward "mastering many skills while specializing in" modern concept of talent training,system combing his education idea transformation social background.Combining Li Xianzhi educational concept of the multi-disciplinary,cross-research methods and ideas of meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation,the critical point is to analyze the importance of his individual meteorological perspectives,in meteorological effects of higher education development history,coupled with the modern development and influence of meteorological service.The article is divided into five chapters,the first chapter tells the story of Li Xianzhi before entering the meteorological service of social environment,mainly including:family background and early education experience,and the analysis of the background that he took to the road and the influence of the meteorological about how early experience education lay a scientific foundation for him.The second one discusses the academic accumulation of Li Xianzhi's academic achievements and his influence on his meteorology.Study period discussed the situations about meteorological work and the studying experience in Germany during the weather made by scientific research,in a word,the analysis of his learning experience to his later late work to carry on the education and scientific research.The third chapter discusses the Li Xianzhi in Southwest United University during the Anti-Japanese War of the maintenance of the meteorological education,through the analysis on the opening of the course and students practice of his concept of education and scientific research ideas,the article summarizes contributions to weather,the cause of education in time of war.The fourth chapter discusses the achievements and thoughts of Li Xianzhi on the construction and restoration of the meteorological department of Tsinghua University after the war of resistance against Japan,and the subsequent fall into Peking University.The fifth chapter discusses the transformation and driving factors of education in different periods,and demonstrates the influence and development of his education concept on modern meteorological education.Analysis of the cause about his scientific research method and meteorological he insists on.Furthermore,identical with the development of the modernization,the paper refers to summarize Li Xianzhi 's modem meteorological education career and the influence of meteorological service,in order to analyze his idea about modem practical significance permeated with the development of meteorological service.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Xianzhi, Experience in meteorological research, Weather education experience, Research ideas, Education concept
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