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The Research Of Communication Management In Large Projects In Big Data Environment

Posted on:2018-02-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:SUHAILSHFull Text:PDF
GTID:1318330518496798Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Project communication can be defined as the exchange of information aiming to instill knowledge among the stake holders, thus acting as a binding force which connects many stakeholders of the conceived project and its environment in addition to coupling its activities during the development and execution of the project. Project communication Management is highly concerned with technology as growing ways of communication are rapidly increasing in the global business world. There exists no particular model for communication (large scale projects in the BD environment). BD is has become part of every business enterprise & there is a need to present an innovation driven management of communication strategy in order to address the changes happening in latest technologies (database storages systems). Problem is much more critical and complex in large scale projects under varied modes & having different processing data attributes.This research is about understanding the relationship of communication management with Big Data. This research assesses the level of awareness of communication management professionals regarding BD technologies and analyzes the contribution of different factors responsible for the rate of adoption of BD technologies for communication management in large projects. The study is based on questionnaire directed towards the relevant staff of different organizations. It will further deliver a new model for enabling communication in Projects of large scale in the BD Environment(LSPBDE) and an innovative management of communication technique to take care of the fast moving technological changes. In proposed model will integrate different data sources of large scale project which in turn will be integrated into the data ware house (enterprise)by the deployment of"Information Inference Framework" (?F), thus employing BD Framework.The research work covered the important themes of communicative actions & the considerations in managing communication in large projects, how the project managers understand role of communication" in BD environment, Context situation/framing of project manager's communication practices, how the project managers explain or reveal the use of communication strategies, how to envelope framework to find out relationship between project communication management & big data and the factors affecting communication management with the adoption of BD Technologies. The study further achieved the factor of unawareness in communication professional for use of BD technologies and proposed adequate training for communication workforce as fear of job loss is found in the IT/communication professionals. The research presents some useful information for different factors for communication management, technology consultants, organizations, policy makers and vendors.The research presents some useful information for different factors for communication management, technology consultants, organizations, policy makers and vendors.Furthermore there is a need to provide safeguards for the project from problems like scope,delayed schedules and cost enhancements. Similarly the framework suggests that special care should be taken human resource domains (recruitment, selection & team formation).
Keywords/Search Tags:Project Management, Big Data Environment, Large Projects
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