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Narrative Study Of Mobile Convergence Journalism By HTML5 Technology ——“National Party Media Information Platform” H5 News As An Example

Posted on:2021-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306113467864Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of media convergence,the convergence journalism combined with different technical logics has formed various news forms.As one of the representative forms of convergence journalism,mobile terminal HTML5 news is the product of the combination between convergence journalism and HTML5 technology.With the characteristics of interactivity,integration,and diversification,a large number of HTML5 news have emerged as the times require when the use of HTML5 technology has also received increasing attention from the journalism.At present,there is little research on HTML5 news,but it is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored.The narrative analysis of HTML5 news will help the journalism to update the strategies and directions of mobile terminal news reporting.Therefore,the narrative research of HTML5 news needs to be deepened.Compared with traditional news narrative,HTML5 news narrative is the core problem: media convergence trend,how HTML5 news narrates.This involves the HTML5 news narrative perspective and language and time and strategies of exploration in this paper,the national party media information public platform visual HTML5 channel of HTML5 news work as the research object,the channel of the HTML5 news in part on behalf of the practice of China's mainstream media HTML5 news.This paper discusses the research background purpose.Then it further summarizes the development status of HTML5 news on mobile terminals.Finally,it focuses on the narrative characteristics of HTML5 news.This article based on news narratology,combining text analysis and content analysis to study the theme and style and production media of the sample.It is found that the topic selection of HTML5 news in the mainstream media is still focused on current political issues.HTML5 news styles are more diversified.The HTML5 news production media is the People's Daily and Xinhua Central media such as the state media took the lead.Supporting news narrative theory and post-classical narrative theory,and combining related discipline theories such as journalism and communication,to explore issues such as narrative subject,narrative perspective,narrative language,narrative structure,and narrative time and space of HTML5 news,it is found that the narrator's voice is more hidden,the narrative perspective is diversified,and the audiovisual narrative language is characterized.Meanwhile,the narrative structure of HTML5 news is mostly formed by the combination of compound sequences,including four main narrative structures: connected,embedded,side-by-side,and plot.The narrative time is characterized by suspense and fast-paced,and the narrative space is summarized from two aspects: cognitive style and text carrier.Furthermore,it summarizes the four specific narrative strategies of the current HTML5 news including the hard landing soft landing,narrative interface of audiovisual presentation,narrative design of interaction and participation,and narrative thinking of users and products.In addition,the current mobile terminal HTML5 news there is poor interaction set experience and narrative framework homogeneity,lack of users to share power,technology still has limitations and deficiencies,and puts forward the future HTML5 news more need to reasonable layout,in order to enhance the pursuit of personalized experience,creative narrative expression,attaches great importance to the feedback in order to improve share enthusiasm,collaboration,narrative to overcome technical limitations such as the specific improvement strategy.Through the narrative analysis of H5 news reports,this paper hopes to provide practical guidance for mobile terminal news fusion and provide reference experience for relevant media practitioners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Convergence Journalism, Mobile terminal, HTML5 News, Narrative Analysis
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