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Research On Optimization Of New Employee Training System In PY Company

Posted on:2022-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2512306509953289Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The safe and stable operation and high-quality development of power companies are inseparable from a strong talent pool.In recent years,as the recruitment channels have become smoother and better,the recruitment system has become more mature,which has greatly improved the overall quality of the new staff.New employees are the main source of new forces for power companies.They have solid professional theoretical knowledge,high overall quality,strong hands-on ability,great development potential,and strong plasticity.New employees play an important role in the power company's talent team building and talent reserve.How to help new employees quickly integrate into the company,adapt to their jobs,improve business skills,strengthen comprehensive capabilities,and quickly transform human resources into the company's internal drive to improve performance,which is extremely important for power companies.The optimization of the training system for new employees can effectively improve the work efficiency and core competitiveness of new employees.At the same time,it can promote the two-way and mutually beneficial development of employees and enterprises.However,at present,the new employee training system generally has problems such as insufficient training,the training effect is not obvious,and the training objectives and tasks cannot be achieved.It is also found in questionnaire surveys and interview studies that new employees also have insufficient understanding of the company's macro understanding and team awareness.Problems such as strong,lack of organizational identity,long run-in period for competent positions,insufficient information collection and aggregation,ineffective use,unclear career planning such as job growth paths,and inadequate training effect evaluation feedback.Therefore,in order to ensure that new employees can perform new jobs more quickly and smoothly,improve job contribution efficiency,and make new employees have a more sense of belonging to the company and a sense of identity with the company's values,they should actively explore and build more A training system that is in line with the company's strategic development and better meets the work needs of new employees.This article starts with the idea of new employee training,combined with a realistic case of a power company's training center,combined with the ability and quality model to analyze the training needs,relying on the ADDIE training process system model,from the power company's new employee training needs,training objectives,training content,and courses Exploring and practicing in terms of setting,resource development,evaluation feedback,etc.,and based on this,optimize the existing training system,so that new employees can understand the job,master job technology,improve skills goals,and establish careers better serve the company's development while integrating new employees into the company.Through the optimization of the new employee training system this time,it also provides some valuable references for the PY company's human resource training and management practices,and also provides some methods and paths that can be used for reference in the construction of the new employee training system in the energy industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:training education management, new employees, training system
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